Page 36 of Kingston's Salvation
Or loving?
It was Mia’s turn to gently place her hands either side of his face. “You weren’t responsible for any of the deaths that occurred that day.”
“Anoushah was callingmyname, running towardme, when the bomb went off,” he choked.
“Because you’re a good man. A kind man. I’d have run toward you too if I’d been there,” she told him warmly.
Darius blinked before refocusing on her. “I thought you said I was a barbaric Neanderthal?”
“Well, for spanking me, you most certainly are.” She gave him another deliberate glare before her expression softened. “But I understand your overprotective streak a little better now, and the overreaction that followed.”
His arms tightened about her. “It turns the blood in my veins to ice even thinking of Andrew Bart ever getting his hands on you.”
“Which brings us full circle to the reason you feel so fiercely about it.”
“It’s because you’re as innocent and not much older than Anoushah—”
“I’m not a child, Darius, so don’t ever try slotting me into that category. I’m young in years, yes, but the circumstances of my life have given me an old soul. I’m certainly old enough to know what, and who, I like. Or love,” she added softly.
Darius stilled, his gaze searching. “I have nights when I wake up shouting. I’m soaked in sweat, and sometimes my hands are gripping my pillow as if about someone’s throat. I haven’t dared to sleep in the same bed with anyone for over ten years because I’m terrified I might wake up and find I’ve strangled them in my sleep.”
“Well, I can’t say I’m unhappy about the not-sleeping-in-the-same-bed-with-anyone-for-ten-years,” she teased softly.
Darius eyed her ruefully. “That’s what you took away from that statement?”
She shrugged. “Well…yes. Because I’m sure that between Honey and myself, we’ll be able to ensure you don’t hurt anyone in your sleep.”
“I didn’t say I haven’t had sex in the past ten years,” he pointed out.
Her gaze lowered. “Twenty-sixisa bit young to become celibate, especially when you’re so…so…”
“So what?”
“Gorgeous,” she snapped her irritation.
Darius was smiling as he placed a finger beneath her chin and lifted her head up until her gaze once again met his. “I haven’t had sex since before I left to go back to Afghanistan that last time. I was twenty-five.”
“Then you must be more than ready to have sex again,” she teased.
Mia eyed him uncertainly. “No…?”
“I’m ready to make love withyou, if it’s what you want too.”
Ifshe wanted that too?
It was the only thing Mia wanted at this moment.
Because she knew Darius was all she wanted.
Not just for now, but forever.
Darius stood up, lifting Mia in his arms so that he could carry her down the hallway to his bedroom.
“Damn it.” He came to an abrupt halt in the doorway.