Page 22 of Into the Tempest
“Thank you for last night.”
He blushed and tried to laugh it off. “You take half the credit.”
“I do regret that we didn’t try out the chest monitor.”
His lips twisted in a thoughtful pout. “Maybe we could try it tonight. You know, purely for scientific purposes.”
I grinned at him. “That’s my kind of science.”
He smiled as he got to the door and stopped. “You should probably wear another gold star on your shirt today.”
I laughed, surprised that he’d even mention it. “Oh I will. You should wear one too. Want me to run upstairs to get you one?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“I’m makin’ a mental note to leave an emergency sheet of gold stickers downstairs.”
He smiled. “Have a good day.”
“I’m already havin’ a great day.”
He blushed again and ducked his head as he left, and with a happy sigh, I took my coffee and went out to the balcony. It was hard to imagine, lookin’ out at the peaceful ocean to the north and the clear skies, that a massive storm was on its way.
It was hard to imagine that I was standing out there wearing nothing but boxers, smilin’ at the sunrise.
I’d never been this happy.
I’d never been in love before.
And that’s what this was. Stupid, far too soon, but love all the same. I’d fallen headfirst, with my whole heart, for Jeremiah.
And maybe it was too soon to admit such things. I’d already told him I liked him, that he made me feel all swoopy inside, and it made me happy to be with him.
He said he felt the same, pressing my hand above his heart. He’d finally admitted he had feelings for me, and it just did something to me.
It solidified something that I already knew.
I was so in love with him.
Not even just a little bit, but the whole way, in over my head, smiley-giddy-stupid love.
And I didn’t care who knew or what anyone else thought.
I noticed my neighbour, old prudy Mrs Caddel, on her balcony in her expensive robe givin’ me a scowl of disdain. Oh yes, how dare I stand on my own balcony in boxer shorts? She was lucky I was wearing anything at all.
I lifted my coffee in her direction. “Morning!”
She gave a curt nod and disappeared inside, and I snorted. I hoped she could see the scrape along my ribs to my nipple, the half hickey, half toothmark, where Jeremiah had latched onto me as he came.
A battle wound of the very best kind.
Aaaand my mind was back to everything he’d done to me last night.
I downed my coffee and took a long, very handsy shower, wishin’ it was Jeremiah—imagining it was his hand and not mine—and went to work in a very good mood.
Not even Ellis’ shit-stirring digs at my smile could ruin this day.