Page 10 of The Cost of a Bride
“Well, that’s the thing…” I say slowly. “I didn’t even recognize him at first. It was onlyaftereverything…happened.”
“You’re joking!” Alyssa laughs.
I shake my head. “I wish I was.”
“And how was he at the party?” Alyssa continues. “Did he sell a startup company and become a billionaire or something?”
“No,” I sigh, running my hand through my hair. “I guess he knows the bartender or something, and he got him in.”
Now it’s Alyssa’s turn to shake her head. “Unbelievable. This is like something out of a movie, Nick.”
“Tell me about it.”
“So am I taking you back to your house?” Alyssa asks.
“You mind if I crash at your place? I really don’t feel like having a conversation with my dad tonight.”
“You know I’ve always got you, dude.” Alyssa smiles, pulling a U-turn.
I feel so off-balance as we head back to her apartment. Leaving Russell behind has me realizing just how many feelings are, and have been, running through me since wedid the deed.
When I was with him and we were fully engaged in the act, I was so caught up in just how incredible everything felt, that I didn’t realize just how many feelings were flowing through me. But now, on my way back to my apartment, it’s quite clear there’s a whole lot more going on.
I felt something between us the moment we met, and that’s the reason I offered myself to him in a way I never offered myself to any man before – although there were plenty of them willing.
And while I was nervous about going all the way with him, Russell made me feel so comfortable and relaxed, the entire experience felt like magic. My climax was like nothing I’d ever felt before. My head was spinning, my ears were ringing, and when I had my arms wrapped around him and my hands clutching on to his taut muscles, I felt like I never wanted to let go for the rest of my life.
“So why aren’t you staying at his house tonight?” Alyssa asks as we pull onto her street. I realize I’ve been leaning against the window, zoning out and thinking for a while now as she’s been driving. I sit up and look over at her. “Don’t tell me he’s married.”
“Oh God, no!” I blurt out. “I mean…I don’t think he is. No, he told me his school has some policy about dating studentsandex-students.”
“Seriously?” Alyssa groans. “You guys couldn’t hide it? He couldn’t switch schools?” She laughs.
“That’s probably a bit too much to ask from him right now, don’t you think?” I reply. “Especially when he said he couldn’t stop looking at me like the girl he used to teach when I was in his class or whatever.”
Alyssa laughs, which causes me to grimace and look away. “You know, I can sort of see that from his point of view.”
“Come on, dude,” she says, pulling into the driveway. “All the flack guys get these days about being predators and groomers? And then all of a sudden you remind him of this young girl he once knew–”
“Yeah, eleven years ago!” I groan. “I haven’t seen himoncesince then! He didn’t groom me or any of that shit! He’s just being dumb!”
Angrily, I shove the car door open and march up the walkway to the door of Alyssa’s apartment. She follows quickly after me.
“I dunno, Nick,” she says, taking out her keys. “I think you oughta give the guy a break. Give him some time to think it over.”
“Thinkwhatover? Me?”
“Yeah,” she laughs as she lets us into her apartment. “You’re a hot chick now. Give him some time. I bet he comes around.”
Two weeks later…
I don’t thinkI’ve ever had to make a more difficult decision in my life. No, I’m sure of it. Every day for the last two weeks I’ve woken up, gone to school, taught my class, come home, and thought about getting in touch with Eric to get a message to Nikki. Not being able to be with her is just torturous. But at the same time, part of me still feels that giving in and going back to her would be the wrong thing to do.