Page 4 of The Cost of a Bride
“So you dance here?” he asks me.
I wish I had a different answer for him likeNo, I’m an astrophysicistorNo, I’m studying at Harvard for my PhD in biology.Anything but telling him the truth. After all, this man clearly is one of the world’s elite if he’s here, and at this moment, unlike the other men I interact with every night, I find myself wanting to impress him.
But there’s no use lying to him, is there? He’s going to see right through me or just ask one of his friends who I am and find out anyways. But that doesn’t mean I can’t screw with him a little bit.
“Actually, I danceanddo the tech support for the club.”
Russell lifts his eyebrows and nods. “Oh, is that right?” he replies, going along with the joke.
“It is.” I nod.
“Well, there’s nothing I like more than a beautiful girl with brains.” His smile absolutely lights up his face and sends warmth through my entire body. This may be the first time in weeks that I can say something positive about going to work here.
His eyes blaze as they work over my body. I try to get an idea of what his age may be, but it’s hard. I’d say somewhere in his late twenties, or he could be in his thirties and just look young. But as I’m looking at his handsome face, I see movement behind him.
One of the suited men charged with maintaining order at the party is eyeing me from the door. My stomach twists nervously. I know exactly what he’s saying without words and reply to him with a simple purse of my lips.
“Listen, Russ, I have to get back,” I say. “I’m not allowed to spend time alone with one guy like this unless…”
“Unless what?” Russell asks.
Ireallydon’t want to answer him. If it was any other man on any other week, it would be no problem. But there’s something aboutthisman that just makes me want to change professions right here and now. That makes me want to go join a convent and impress him with how much Bible Scripture I know.
But yet again, there’s no use in lying. He’s going to find out one way or another. So I take a deep breath, but as I speak, I avert my eyes.
“Unless you pay me for my time…”
There’s a long pause that’s somehow worse than anything he could have said – long enough that I actually look back to see him with his eyes on me, filled with an expression I can’t quite read. “So you’re an escort?”
“No,” I reply quickly. “I am a companion, but I only dance and spend time with you. I don’t…go all the way.”
Russell’s face instantly brightens up at this. “You don’t?”
“No.” I shake my head. “I’m surprised you like to hear that. It pisses a lot of guys here off–”
“And you’venever?”He interrupts.
I can feel myself blushing at the nature of this conversation. Tonight is not shaping up at all the way I thought it would.
“Gone all the way?” I know what he’s asking, but I’m stalling out of pure embarrassment.
Russell nods. “That’s right.”
I shake my head. “No. Never. I’ve been offered money to, but I never took it.”
“And you’re not like…underage or something, right?” he asks with a grin.
“No!” I reply. “I’m nineteen!”
Russell moves in closer and places his hands on my waist. Every instinct I have from working here with these men tells me to slap him off me, but I don’t. Something about his touch is comforting. In fact, I kind of like it.
“I love that you don’t put out for these rich jerkoffs, Sapphire. That’ssucha turn-on.”
“It is?” I reply.
I can feel my face getting hotter at his touch, at the heat from his body and from him just being this close to me. I haven’t had this kind of intimacy from someone I’d actually consider attractive in months.
“You’re damn right.” Russell nods. “And I’ll let you in on a secret, Sapphire.I’mnot one of these rich guys. I just got in tonight because my friend tends bar here.”