Page 26 of Her Alien Librarian
Samantha steps toward me, her smile warm as she places her hands on my chest. “Mylo, there’s no way your dragon would hurt me.”
How can she be so sure? During my time on Sufoi, I was a highly skilled assassin for the king. The dark, grisly acts I have committed, and still capable of, would surely give Samantha nightmares. “You have not seen this other side of me, Samantha, and it would be unwise to underestimate a creature the size of a tall building who can breathe fire.”
But my sex friend is not the least bit swayed by my words.
“Nope. I don’t buy it.” She shakes her head and glides one hand to the middle of my chest. My draxilio begins to purr, and her smile widens when she feels the vibration of it through my clothes. “See? He likes me. I trust him.”
I go to argue with her, but she grabs my chin and pulls it down until my eyes meet hers.
“More importantly, I trustyou,” she adds.
I panic briefly at the thought of my eyes turning blood red indicating that Samantha is my true mate, and I wonder how she would respond. Compared to Luka’s and Axil’s mates’ reactions, this would surely end in a better result since Samantha already knows I am part draxilio. However, she has said that she has no interest in entering another long-term committed relationship. How quickly would she run upon learning she’s my true mate?
Thankfully, the intense itching that comes with the red eyes never occurs. Just to be safe, though, I take off my glasses. “D-do my eyes look normal?” I ask her, my voice shaky at the possibility that they’re currently the color of crimson.
“Yup,” she says without hesitation. “As gray as ever.”
Breath whooshes out of me as I silently thank my draxilio for not complicating my existence further. “Very well.” With renewed energy, I gesture for Samantha to step back and give me plenty of room. I close my eyes and envision my draxilio with his shimmering scales, his dagger-sharp teeth, and his wide, thick wings as they cut through passing clouds. I feel the pull of my skin as the shift takes hold, and the cracking of bones when his much stronger ones replace mine. Within a heartbeat or two, I am transformed.
“Wow,” Samantha says with a gasp. Her hands cover her heart as she tentatively steps closer.
Friend,I remind my draxilio from deep within his mind.She is your friend. Not your mate. Do not scare her.
I would plummet to my death before causing her even a moment of fear,he sends back, annoyed.
But I don’t care. He needs to hear this.Care for her. Be gentle. Do not push.
I do not need to,he sends back, confidence thick in his tone.She will choose us.
I don’t agree with him, nor do I want to agree with him since Samantha and I are not mates.
Sex friends,I remind him.That is all.
He ignores me as he uncurls his claw and she steps inside, taking a seat in the center. He holds her tight enough so she is secure, but not too tight that she struggles to move. Then he launches into the night sky, and I hear her shouting with glee as she takes in the sight of her hometown far below.
The flight to Tipsy’s lasts about two minutes as Sudbury is a very small place, and there is no resistance from my draxilio when I shift back.
Good job,I send to him.I am proud of you.
Leave me be,he sends back with a growl.Focus your attention on her.
We stroll casually out of the woods near Tipsy’s and make our way toward the entrance.
“Told you,” she mutters over her shoulder. “He likes me.”
“That was never in question,” I remind her, swinging open the door.
The bass thumps loudly through the speakers as we enter, and a low, melodic voice sings a familiar tune. I recognize it as a song that I’m certain Zev has played for me, but I cannot place the song’s name or even the singer.
“Oh my god,” Samantha beams as we maneuver through the crowd. “Yes, love Adele.”
Adele, that is it. Zev cannot get enough of her.
And the version being sung now, while not as impressive as Adele’s, is surprisingly close.
“There you are,” Vanessa shouts from her seat at the bar. She waves us over and pulls Samantha into a tight hug.
Zev pats me on the back and hands me a glass of beer. I cannot tell what kind, but I’m certain I will not like it. “You may keep that,” I tell him before leaning over the bar and catching Izzy’s attention. “May I have a mint mojito? The drink you made for me last time I was here.”