Page 54 of Her Alien Librarian
His hand dwarfs mine as he shakes it. “Friends.”
My draxilio continues to berate me in my dreams that night, and the entire next day.You colossal fool. She was right there. She wanted you and you pushed her away.
Yes, I am agreeing with you,I send back. I hate myself for causing the hurt in her big brown eyes, but she doesn’t seem to know what she wants, and I cannot return to being her sex friend when my heart wants more.I assure you I did this to protect both of us.
I weigh eight tons and can spit fire. Your protection is not something I require. Stop being an idiot and go devour our mate’s hot cunt.
Not our mate,I point out.
Part of me wants to blame him for my eyes not turning red for Samantha. But that would be like blaming two buns for not being a cheeseburger. There is a fundamental element to this equation that’s still missing, and it’s not his fault it hasn’t happened.
“You okay?” Izzy asks, sliding a second mojito in my direction.
I shrug. “I’m fine. City council has decided to put me on leave while they conduct their book evaluation, and I can’t set foot in the library until they decide my fate.”
Izzy leans both elbows on the bar, eyes rolling. “Such bullshit. Did Charlie hear back from the newspaper?”
“I have not heard anything,” I explain.
“Hmm. I’m sure she’ll reach out as soon as they respond.” Izzy grabs a rag from a lower shelf and begins wiping the bar clean.
The next person that enters the bar is Samantha, and though my life feels as if it’s unraveling, the sight of her calms me a bit. “Hey,” I say with a smile. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for you,” she says as if it should be obvious. She orders a Moscow mule as she pulls her phone from her purse and scrolls through her email. “I sent Charlie’s photos to the paper last night, and I spent most of the morning at their offices.”
“Really?” I ask, hope surging in my chest. “What did they say?”
“Well, they’re definitely going to cover it,” she replies. “The editor I spoke with was appalled by what went down at the library, especially since kids were present. He also didn’t seem surprised to hear that Burton was leading the book ban and went on to show me several clips of stories he’s written over the years covering Burton’s shady behavior.”
I am speechless. It seemed pointless to pursue this given how much power Burton has, but it comforts me to know that people actually care about the library being shut down and the nonsensical reason why. “You think this will lead to…something?”
She sighs heavily as she stares at the drink in front of her. “I honestly don’t know,” then the corners of her lips form a sneaky grin, “but now that I’m officially employed as one of the Concord Chronicle’s photographers, I plan on exposing Officer Burton the first chance I get.”
“What? They hired you?” Did Samantha willingly take a job that will keep her here? I never would have expected that.
She is quick to wave a dismissive hand. “Well, it’s a freelance gig, and the assignments I get will probably be sporadic, but I’m optimistic. I was thinking I could pitch a story on theBridgertonevent, using the photos I took, and maybe interview some of the kids from story hour and their parents on how the library has improved their lives. This connection with the paper can only help us, right?”
I know she speaks of our group, and not just her and me, but when she utters the word “us,” my stomach flips.
“I’m not going to let him ruin your reputation, Mylo,” she adds, her tone serious.
“Thank you,” I say, moved by her dedication to help me out of this. I open my mouth to ask if she’d like to leave Tipsy’s and come back to my house, but Charlie strolls in and the moment is lost.
Samantha greets Charlie with a hug, thanking her for taking the photos, and repeats what she told me about the newspaper covering the story. Charlie seems invigorated by the update, and I notice her fist clenching at her side. “We’ll get him. This town deserves better than the oppressive rule of a crooked cop.”
That gives me an idea. “Charlie, have you considered running for local office?”
The giggle that escapes her lips is small, quiet, and controlled, but it escalates quickly into a loud, wild cackle as she slaps her hand on the bar. “Definitely not,” she says. “I have kind of a sordid past with the world of politics.” She takes a sip of her drink. “Don’t get me wrong, I could win. I was the chief of staff for a mayor for a spell, so I know how to navigate that life.”
“Were you, really?” I don’t recall seeing that on her resume.
Samantha nods. “That’s incredible.”
“It’s not the way I want to live, though,” she adds. “This is a fresh start for me, and now I’m all about quiet and privacy.”