Page 11 of Rogue Romeo
Spineless prick!
I flick my stare onto Finnegan Bradley, my point manager and ultimate brown noser, who glances at his wristwatch before pinning me with a slitted stare. I quirk a brow, my confidence rising with each step closer I take to my inevitable doom.
If you’re going down, go down swinging, Marquez.
The thought bolsters me further as my eyes land on the third man, Chad Freemont.
His face is practically gleeful, and I know without a doubt that my tardiness of this morning will be used as his way of getting rid of me before I can cause any fuss about last night.
I’m not stupid enough to think any of the building’s security footage will remain untampered. Clearly, from his own words, it wasn’t his first time assaulting a woman who had blatantly rejected him.
I push open the glass door, tilting my chin ever-so slightly as I enter the boardroom.
Bradley and Freemont each take a seat at the opposite side of the table as Carter closes the door before slipping into his own beside them.
Chivalry is well and truly dead with these guys!
I slide into the seat, resting my hands on my lap while keeping my face clear of all the mutinous thoughts running riot inside my brain.
Finnegan speaks first, his tone holding even more impatience than his posture.
“Late again, Marquez. Third time this month.”
I incline my head. “Yes, sir. I believe I made up for the lost time. Also, when I was hired, Carter knew of my situation, and there was no issue with it.”
“It’s Mr. Reese, Ms. Marquez.”
My eyes glide over to land on a smirking Chad Freemont, and I grit through my clenched jaw. “Apologies. I didn’t realize we were being so formal.”
It’s his turn to incline his head, his smirk widening enough to make my stomach churn. When he speaks again, I very nearly empty my morning coffee onto the table between us.
“Now, Miss Marquez. I believe you are not so uneducated as to misinterpret our presence here today, hmm?”
Carter fidgets in his seat. His eyes are cast downward, and he is thoroughly unable to even look at me.
I focus all my attention on the smiling prick to my right. “I couldn’t possibly misinterpret your presence today. Uneducated, I am not. After all, I was valedictorian of my graduating class,Chad.”
“It’s Mr. Freemont—” my useless point manager tries to interject, but I cut him off.
“That’s not what you were insistent upon last night, is it,beauty?” The last word is spat with as much venom as I can muster while rage circulates in my veins.
My gaze rests on each man opposite me as silence stretches between us until Chad speaks again. “Tread lightly, Miss Marquez.”
“Or what? You’ll fire me? That’s clearly what’s about to happen here, so do me a favor and cut to the goddamn chase.”
Freemont’s eyes narrow into slits. “Carter, enlighten Miss Marquez as to why we’re all here today.”
Carter slowly lifts his stare from his lap until he meets my eyes. He swallows roughly before clearing his throat. “I’m afraid you’re being let go…” He trails off when I quirk a brow.
“I’ve been advised that illegal substances were found in your desk following an anonymous tip earlier—”
Mary’s comments from before and my colleague's stares make complete sense now.
I begin to slow clap with my eyes trained on Freemont’s smug grin, and it halts the bullshit spewing from my “savior’s” mouth.
“Bravo. Nicely played!”
I push myself to stand before planting my palms on the desk between us and staring down at the three bullies before me.