Page 129 of Rogue Romeo
“It’syou. You’re the reason.”
Victor’s response is nothing short of venomous, and I’m floored at the level of hatred he’s spewing for a daughter he is in no way deserving of.
Then he hisses.“You never should have been born.”
Reyna begins to speak, and I’ve had enough. I grab Ford’s hand and shove him away.
“I’m going in there. And you won’t fucking stop me.”
He pushes me hard against the wall, his face turning thunderous. “Give her more time.”
I push him back. “We have enough evidence to get him for extortion. Get out of my way, damn you.”
“What would Reyna want?”
But I don’t even get to answer as Victor’s bellow booms through the speaker.
“To hide you from me!”
Then Rey cries out, and I’m done being patient. I’m done thinking about what anyone else might need or want.
I only know that I need to get to her and shield her by any means necessary.
And with that at the forefront of my mind, I slam my fist into Ford’s unsuspecting face, watching as he stumbles backward with a grunt.
Vaughn roars at me to stop, but I grab the door handle and run as fast as I can, leaping over the low wall that separates the houses before flying up the front steps of Iris’s house.
The front door slams open, the sound echoing through the space as Iris yelps softly from her place by the front door.
Victor and Rey are at the far side of the room. His hand is on her throat as he swivels about to meet my enraged glare. “Take your damn hands off my wife,now!”
He chuckles deep in his barrel chest as I feel Vaughn appear at my back, and Victor stares me down. “You’re welcome to watch as I choke the life out of—”
At that moment, Rey brings her knee up sharply between his legs, driving it full force into Victor’s groin, and he lets her go with a howl. She takes the opportunity to fly across the living room and straight into my waiting arms.
I gather her to me, pressing desperate kisses to the top of her head as I run my hands up and down her body, checking for any sign of injury.
“I’m okay, Alex. I’m okay.” She repeats herself over and over before I tilt her chin upward. Her eyes are filled with tears, her face is red and blotchy, and I’ve never been more grateful for anything else in my entire life than to have her back, safe in my hold.
“Get back here,niñita, or I won’t hesitate to kill Dean.”
Iris cries out desperately, and Vaughn gently catches her arm, buoying her as Rey turns to face a sneering Victor. Her face is resolute, her gaze filled with sheer hatred as she calmly responds, “Makeonemove, and I will kill you with my bare hands.”
Victor’s mouth twitches with a grin, but before he can say whatever is on the tip of his tongue, the surveillance team and the associated authorities slam through the front door, guns pointing directly at him.
Iris cries out, “Please, I need to see my son.”
And at that moment, Ford strides past everyone, black Stetson firmly in place, to march right past Victor and down the hallway toward the bedrooms.
As the authorities crowd around a thrashing Victor, who’s roaring his innocence for the world to hear, Iris dashes past them to meet Ford as he returns with a very upset little boy who looks so like Rey that it makes my heart hurt.
The boy reaches for his mother with a cry, and she takes him with an answering one. Then Ford tips his hat to them with a small smile before he goes to stand at Vaughn’s side, a silent, stoic sentinel.
Rey turns back into the safety of my embrace, her arms locking tightly around my waist as we shut everyone and everything out.
People are in and out of the small house, milling around, gathering evidence, and taking statements, but it’s just the two of us in our small bubble.
Exactly as it should be.