Page 23 of Rogue Romeo
“Fuck off, Freemont.”
The prick tosses a wink in Rey’s direction, and I grit my teeth as he leans close, whispering for my ears alone, “Enjoy my sloppy seconds, DeMarco. She’s a real screamer. Tell her I liked it awholelot.”
He leans back, a smug-as-fuck smile on his face. And I’ve reached my limit.
Fuck it!
I ball my right hand into a fist and lean back before propelling myself forward to slam my knuckles into his egotistical face.
Satisfaction fills me from head to toe as he flies backward, landing flat on his back with a heavy thump. I step closer to loom over him, fully aware of the look of unconcealed rage on my face.
There’s the sound of cameras clicking and lights flashing as bystanders take photos, but I’m entirely too focused on the piece of shit beneath me to give a rat's ass.
A surge of protectiveness flows through me, the likes of which I’ve only ever felt toward Liv and my nephews, and at that moment—as bizarre as it makes me feel to acknowledge it—I know she’s gotten under my skin.
I want to take care of her. The way she deserves to be cared for. The way she hasn’t been cared for in a very long time, by the sounds of it.
I want to be the shelter in the raging storm for this tiny girl with the big chocolaty brown eyes that see me—the real me—and I know I’ll never allow anyone to disrespect her.Ever.
“If you so much as even glance in Reyna’s directionever again…” I trail off, narrowing my eyes into slits. “I’llnotbe held responsible for my actions.”
I straighten, glancing to my left to find Rey standing stock still at my side. When I extend my hand, she grabs hold of it like it’s a lifeline, and I tug her behind me as the wall of bodies parts like the Red Sea.
I don’t stop until I’ve reached the bar, ducking around the side of it and slipping behind the Staff Only door at the back.
Once we are safely away from prying eyes, I round on a wide-eyed Reyna.
“I need to go and run some damage control. It’s going to be a long night at the office for me.” She deflates right where she stands, and I rush to follow to soften the blow. “I’ll come back tomorrow to check in. You’ll be here, right?”
She worries her lip between her teeth before slowly nodding. “I want to visit Lita early tomorrow morning, but I’ll be here otherwise, I’m sure.” Her brows knit with obvious worry. “I have nowhere else to go, seemingly.”
“Give me your cell.” My words are sharper than I’d intend, but even so, her eyes remain on mine without an ounce of judgment.
She tugs a clunky cell from a pocket on her sweater, thrusting it into my hands with eyes that are more pupil than iris in their intensity.
Ripping my gaze from hers, I key in my cell number and smirk when I save it under Pretty Boy. “Text me when you are back here, and I’ll come to you. We can talk about finding a more permanent residence and employment—”
She cuts me off. “Why do you want to help me? You only just met me today.” She shakes her head, her forehead knitting as she clearly searches for an answer to her own question.
Before I can think of an answer, my mouth is moving as I spill my truth in a way I haven’t ever before. Not even to Liv.
“When I was a kid, my brother was the only person who ever gave a shit about me. He was my brother, my mother, my father, and my best friend, all rolled into one. It was us against the world. But…something happened that made him leave home.”
I inhale deeply through my nostrils and blow out a steadying breath as she watches me with rapt attention. “I was so thoroughly and completelyalone. My mother used me as a bargaining chip to get everything she wanted. The surname that my absentee father bestowed upon me opened plenty of doors that would have been otherwise closed firmly in her face.”
I pour every ounce of emotion into my next words as I hold her gaze.
“So I know what it’s like to be alone. I know what it’s like to think that people could give less of a shit about your issues because they’re neck deep just trying to make it through their own. But I also know what it’s like to have a person who believes in you. Who makes you believe in yourself and your dreams just by being there when you need them. Liv was that friend for me…somaybethis is my chance to pay it forward.”
Our eyes continue to hold when I finish speaking, and hers fill with unshed tears before she closes the distance between us to slip her arms around my waist, tucking herself in against my chest.
Her sweet floral scent dances along my senses as my arms wrap around her small body.
She fits so perfectly.
My eyes fall shut as she rubs her cheek against my chest and exhales heavily, a little of the tension leaving her body in the safety of my hold.
“I’ve got you, Rey. I’ll weather the storm with you.”