Page 46 of Rogue Romeo
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“They’re here!” My breathless exclamation is a whisper through the kitchen where Alex and I have been finishing up the Costa Rican spread I’ve put such effort into.
Alex spins to face me as the elevator chimes, announcing the arrival of our anticipated guests.
“I’ve got you, Sunshine.” He tugs me in against his side, his scent enveloping my senses as he presses a fleeting kiss to my temple.
“Thank youfor doing this.” He pulls back, his whiskey eyes filled with something I’ve never seen before, and the sight makes my stomach dip even as goosebumps scatter along my entire body. “It means more than I could possibly—”
“Ah, there you are, Al!”
A tall, exceptionally handsome man with striking green eyes enters the kitchen with a small boy who’s his miniature in his arms.
He holds out his hand, his eyes almost blinding in their intensity, and I instantly spot the similarity. “I’m Henry, Alex’s older brother.” He flashes a smile that softens his features immeasurably. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Marquez.”
Alex lifts the child out of his brother’s hold with a grin for his nephew as I accept Henry’s hand. “The pleasure is all mine. Andplease, call me Reyna.”
He inclines his head, his smile dimming to a smirk as a stunning blonde comes into view behind him, holding the hand of another one of Henry’s doppelgangers.
“Uncle Al!”
The dark-haired boy’s face breaks into a wide smile, displaying the most gorgeous pair of dimples, that I soon realize he’s inherited from his mother when her face copies her son’s.
“Bash, my man!” Alex drops to his knees, catching the other boy with his free arm to hold both brothers close against his chest. “Oh, I missed you guys!”
His eyes fall closed as he drops his head atop the older boy, inhaling his hair with a smile that makes my heart flip-flop beneath my breastbone.
“I’m Liv, Alex’s sister-in-law—”
“Excuseme, sweet girl.” Alex cuts her off as I take her extended hand in mine, and we both swing our heads around at the sound of his voice while Henry tuts behind me. “I think you’ll find that you were my best friend before you were my anything-in-law!”
Liv shakes her head as she rolls her eyes good-naturedly before Henry cups my elbow to draw me away from the kitchen and toward the living room. “I’m going to need a stiff drink if he’s starting on this shit already.”
Liv’s laughter chimes behind us. “You know he likes to get a rise out of you, Henry.”
Having reached the sideboard containing a barrage of all sorts of alcohol, Henry turns to me. “What would you like?”
I shake my head. “I’m okay for now, thank you.” He then makes short work of pouring a whisky for both himself and Alex while Liv and I get settled on one of the sofas.
“Lunch will be ready shortly. We’ve made my grandmother’s traditional Costa Rican recipes.”
Alex strides into the living room, a boy in each arm, pinning me with a pointed stare. “Wedidn’t make anything.Youdid all the hard work, Sunshine.”
I catch Liv and Henry exchanging a look in my peripheral vision before my attention is claimed entirely by Alex’s nephews.
“I’m Sebastian, and I’m four years old.” The older of the two thrusts his hand out confidently, and for the first time, I notice golden flecks in the depths of his big green eyes. “Mumma said you’re Uncle Al’s girlfriend and that I simplymustbe good today.”
I take his small hand, smiling my brightest smile. “I’m so glad to meet you, Sebastian. And who’s this?”
I shift my gaze to his blatantly shy younger brother, but Sebastian answers for him with an eye roll far beyond his years. “This is Theo. He’s ababy.”
Alex chuckles at that, though his oldest nephew is quick to silence him with a look that is entirely his father.
I shoot him a playful wink, taking the heat off of a rebuked Alex. “How would you like to help me assemble everything for lunch? I’m in need of a big, strong helper.”
Sebastian puffs his chest out almost comically in that way that only four years olds can as he nods.