Page 56 of Rogue Romeo
He doesn’t volunteer a translation; instead, eyes still holding mine in complete rapture, he digs his free hand into his pants pocket, pulling out a sparkling diamond bracelet.
He twists my wrist around, letting his eyes drop to his actions as he fastens the bracelet, fixing it just right before he lets go, severing the connection between us.
In a move that shocks me, he drops to the floor at my feet, fishing my discarded heels from their place on the floor beside us. He raises the hem of my gown, and gently lifts my bare feet to slip first one, then the other, into my shoes.
Once I’m all set, he settles the dress back into place, smoothing his hands along the ruffles and, by proxy, my body, making me swallow harshly as I hum to life beneath that barest of touches.
He stands without a word, taking in my surely flushed cheeks and the rapid rise and fall of my chest before offering me his arm. “Shall we, Sunshine?”
* * *
Rey is fidgeting in her bag, checking her lipstick and her hair in the small compact mirror, and generally doing anything and everything to distract herself from both the obvious sexual tension back at the penthouse and the rapidly encroaching red-carpet appearance.
And there’s something underneath, underlying all of that, that’s an utter mystery to me, though for the life of me, I can’t put my finger on it.
But Christ almighty, when she appeared at the top of the stairs, I’d been a hair’s breadth from breaking the rule that’s keeping her safe from me and selfishly taking what I know we both want.
“Voglio assorbire la tua luce e conservarla per sempre.”
I scratch my temple, hoping she didn’t understand my sudden burst of Italian but also knowing that the words are entirely true.
Idowant to absorb her light. Idowant to keep it.Forever.
But I can’t allow my selfishness to ruin her.
Yes, I know pretty much all there is to know about sex. How to make it good for one another. I have no doubt I could make her come harder than she’s ever come in her life—and I do want that.Badly.
But I don’t knowanythingabout love. And if there’s one thing I know about Reyna Marquez, it’s that she deserves to be loved completely and endlessly.
No one loves you, Alexander. No one cares.
The never-ending repetition of those damn words runs through my head again, driving my point home all too well.
Fuck you very much, Mother.
Rey’s trembling hands see her drop the compact mirror onto the floor at her feet. She reaches down to pick it up at the same time I do, our fingertips colliding, and I swear I can almost feel the charge of electricity run through my veins from that accidental brushing of skin.
She pulls away, turning wide, scared eyes to mine as I rescue the mirror from the floor of our town car.
Once I’ve dropped it back inside her bag, I slide along the leather seat, draping my arm across the back to pull her in against my side whilst ignoring the shot of longing that almost rips my entire body apart.
Instead, I focus solely on being her comfort.
“There’s nothing to be scared of, Sunshine. I’ll be with you the entire time.”
She turns her face up to mine, her hands still fidgeting in her lap. “I—I’m afraid I’ll do something wrong. Say something stupid. I—I don’t fit in with these people. They’re—”
“They’resofar beneath you, Reyna Marquez.”
I softly cover her twitching fingers. “Try to see yourself the wayIsee you, and you’ll soon realize that I’m right. You’re kind. Funny. Thoughtful. You’re a beautiful person, both inside and out.”
I lift my hand to pinch her chin, tempted beyond all good reason to kiss her right now. Whatever she sees in my eyes makes her tilt her chin even higher, angling her mouth just right to be utterly consumed by mine.
I brush the pad of my thumb across her bottom lip, grazing it back and forth slowly. My eyes follow the movement as though hypnotized, and I can feel my nostrils flare as my dick presses painfully against the strict confines of my tuxedo pants.
She inhales sharply, and my eyes travel from her ensnaring mouth to her mesmerizing eyes. She’s watching me from beneath her long black lashes, desire plain as day in the depths of her beautiful orbs.