Page 63 of Rogue Romeo
Even so, our guest list is sitting somewhere around two hundred – with only Leonard and Darcy Malone on my side.
Having discussed everything with Vanessa at Sunrise Harbor and signing the paperwork for Lita to receive respite care, I knew she wouldn’t be able to come. It stung, but marrying on her and my abuelo’s anniversary was what she had wanted, and I could give that to her.
There had been no mention of what had happened between me and Alex at the Spring Gala. Our interlude had been brushed firmly underneath the rug as though it had never occurred, which simultaneously gave me relief because we could carry on as before, but also gave me irrational anxiety that it would never happen again.
Christ, Reyna. You’re not making any sense!
When I reach the open-plan living space, I find that Alex has pushed all the seats back, giving us a wide space in which to practice our first dance. His concern to do well at something so trivial warms my heart, and I’m entirely unable to stop my mouth from smiling ridiculously wide at the thought of spending this time with him.
He holds his hands out, palms facing up, puppy dog eyes front and center. “Teach me a lift, oh most amazing of dance masters.”
I giggle loudly, and the sound fills the huge space. “Nuh-uh. Not happening.”
When I shift his arms around into a waltz frame, he sighs even as he holds the pose. “Spoil sport.”
I smirk at his knowing grin.
Placing my right hand in his left, he slides his other one around my waist, pulling me close, and when his scent fills my senses, I drop my head as my eyelids flutter shut. Taking half a beat to relive the feelings and sensations this man—my off-limits husband-to-be—stirred to life inside of me less than seventy-two hours previously.
Alex’s hesitant voice whispers across the top of my head, and I raise my eyes to his, plastering a smile on my face as I do.
“Sorry, pretty boy. Just taking a second to think of a song.”
His eyes tell me that he doesn’t believe me, but thankfully, he just nods.
“Siri, play‘Thinking Out Loud.’”
The following two hours pass quickly, and my body gets lost in the music rather than the sight, touch, and smell of my dance partner.
“You’ve really gotten the hang of it.” I beam a proud smile that turns into a chuckle. “You were right in Molly Malones when you said you were a fast learner.”
Something unreadable crosses his face before he gives me his back as he begins to set the furniture back in its place. “It’s not so much picking things up fast as opposed to learning from my mistakes. And not repeating them.”
I stiffen and flinch at the double meaning in his words, my hand immediately reaching to rub at a sudden sharp pain in my chest.
“Okay, well…that’s good to know.” I force a sliver of enthusiasm into my voice, needing to get out of here fast. “I—I’ve got to wash up. There’s a dress fitting at 4:45, and then dinner with your family this evening…”
I trail off, lengthening my strides until I make it to the foot of the stairs.
Alex appears behind me as though out of thin air. “Rey, I’m—”
I spin to face him, pressing my index finger over his kissably soft lips and piercing him with a stare. “Okay, so now you want to talk about the goddamn elephant in the room, is that it?”
I press more firmly over his mouth, stopping him before he can start. Needing to get this out.
“I’m well aware that the proverbial love hearts in my eyes haven’t gone unnoticed these past three days, Alex. So do me a favor, okay?”
He nods mutely as a frown mars the perfection of his features.
“Cut me some slack.”
His shoulders deflate, but I power through, determined to make my point.
“So I have a small crush on the first guy who’s been able to get me off.It means nothing. It’s the equivalent of your erection before the gala. Let’s refer to this as my lady boner stage, okay?”