Page 71 of Captivated By You
I eased out of her and shoved my cock into my trousers, zipping myself up. I spotted a box of tissues on a table and grabbed a handful. When I returned to Kiana, she hadn’t moved, her body prone over the arm of the couch, her fuckable ass in the air.
“Here, let me clean you up. Cum stains on that dress are going to be a bastard to hide.”
I chuckled. She… didn’t move. Oh, hell. I’d behaved like an animal, fucking her instead of making love to her. Cursing my insensitivity, I touched her shoulder.
Her head slowly swiveled, and she glanced over her shoulder at me. She blinked, her lips slightly parted. “What did you say?”
“That I’d clean you up.” I held up the bunch of tissues clutched in my hand.
She took them from me. “No. Not that. Before.”
She pushed herself upright and spun to face me. The sight of her, naked save for a tiny black thong, made me want to blow off the rest of the party and carry her upstairs and spend the rest of the night adoring every stunning inch of her.
“I’m talking about the part where you… where you…” She trailed off, unable to finish.
Ah. Now I understood her bewilderment.
“The part where I said that I loved you.” I tucked a piece of her hair that had come loose into the nearest bobby pin.
“Yes. That.” She ducked her chin, her eyes lowering, cutting off those beautiful amber irises I couldn’t get enough of.
I tipped her chin up. “What about ‘that’?” I smiled. “I meant it with every part of my soul.”
“Even if you… you said it while you were coming.”
“Technically, I said it right before I came, but you make a valid point, as always.” This woman… how she switched from sass to vulnerability in an instant both captivated me and destroyed me. I brushed my lips over hers in a kiss meant to reassure. “So, for the second time, I love you.”
Heavy footfalls sounded in the hallway, and then the doorknob twisted. I launched, throwing myself against the door while Kiana struggled to put her dress back on.
“Who’s in there?” came Johannes’s voice from the other side.
Kiana shot me a look of horror. I held up a finger to my lips. Fucking Johannes. Trust him to ruin one of the most important moments of my life. The doorknob shifted beneath my hand, and I held on tighter. The sweaty palms weren’t helping, but I couldn’t exactly let go to wipe them.
The door opened a crack. I put my weight into it, slamming it shut.
How the hell did he know it was me? Regardless, I knew my brother, and if he had an inkling, however instinctive, that I was in here, he wouldn’t let it go.
I groaned. “Fuck off, Johannes.”
Johannes snickered. “Well, well. Mr. Sensible gets his rocks off at one of Mom’s parties. Didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Will you just fucking go?”
“Is Kiana naked? Any chance of a sneak peek?”
My free hand made a fist. “Want another broken nose?”
“You didn’t break the last one, asswipe.”
I growled. “Won’t make that mistake next time.”
“Mom was looking for you before. I’ll let her know you’re in the library.”
“Johannes,” I hissed.