Page 75 of Captivated By You
I’d booked us into a ROGUES hotel rather than staying at Kingcaid, something I rarely did, but as Kiana’s parents had invited us for dinner the second she’d told them we were coming to Chicago, I felt that announcing my arrival at my hotel and then promptly disappearing for the evening wasn’t fair to the manager. Leaving him to stew on the reason for my visit would only give him a sleepless night, especially as he had to know his performance wasn’t up to scratch.
I waggled my eyebrows. “I’d rather come tonight.”
“Donotsay that in front of my parents.” She clenched her jaw. “One set of parents having intimate knowledge of our sex life is bad enough.”
I gave her my most serious look. “I’ll do my best.”
She groaned. “You’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?”
I pointed at myself. “Who, me?”
She crossed her arms, pushing her tits up. My hungry eyes peered down her cleavage, much as I had the very first night we’d met. This time, her reaction was very different. She caught me looking, smirked to herself, and squeezed them together.
“Bet you’d like to shove your head in there, huh, Kingcaid?”
Blood raced to my groin. “God, yes.”
She patted me on the knee. “Well, be a good boy, and we’ll see.”
For the third time in as many minutes, a laugh burst out of me. I’d never laughed as much as I had since this amazing woman had stumbled into my life. She differed from every other female I’d met. She brought a breath of fresh air to every moment, and since she’d finally capitulated to my blatant attempts to seduce her, she’d thrown herself into our relationship with gusto. My entire family had adored meeting her this past weekend. Well, almost my entire family. Right now, I was seriously considering contacting a lawyer to see if divorcing one’s brother was hidden somewhere in the constitution as a possibility.
“I might even let you fuck them.”
My jaw dropped, my cock hardening. Her eyes lowered to my groin.
“Better think of something banal, Ash. We’re here. I’m sure you don’t want to greet my parents while sporting an enormous stiffy.”
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
She grinned while I shifted in my seat, dislodging my cock from where it pressed against my zipper, and thought about all the ways I was going to pay back Johannes for upsetting Kiana. By the time the car stopped, my erection had waned to a semi.
I peered through the window at a cute little bungalow with a huge picture window at the front, a red tiled roof, and a well-tended front yard cordoned by iron railings. The driver opened Kiana’s door, and I joined her on the sidewalk. For the first time since we’d boarded the plane at Sea-Tac, she appeared nervous. She rubbed the back of her neck, then shook out both hands as if she had pins and needles in them.
“Ready?” I squeezed her hand in reassurance.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“I thought I was the one who should be nervous at meeting my woman’s parents.”
She peered up at me, her eyes a darker shade of honey this evening, almost like maple syrup.
“Is that what I am? Your woman?”
Once again, I sensed her need for reassurance. Even though Kiana was one of the most confident people I knew, a woman comfortable in her own skin and firm in her values, at times, she came across as insecure. I’d thought our mutual declarations of love might have asserted her place in my life, but it appeared as if I still had work to do. If she needed daily reassurance of what she meant to me, then that was what I’d give to her.
I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her fingertips. “I love you. All in, baby. You’re stuck with me forever.”
“Maybe hold that thought until the end of the night.”
“You make it sound as if I’m headed into the lion’s den.”
“Oh, no. Not at all. I mean, my brothers can be a little direct, but you should be used to that from me.”
“True story.” I pulled her close, kissing her temple. “Then what is it?”
Before she could answer, her mother ran from the house. She ripped Kiana from my arms and enveloped her in a suffocating hug, then covered her face with kisses.