Page 81 of Captivated By You
Self-doubt crowded in. I’d tried to pick up on Ash’s tone as he’d told me to stay behind. He hadn’t sounded mad. Just surprised and confused. Unlike when he’d snapped at Simon, then marched off.
What would Simon’s story be? The truth? Doubtful. Telling Ash what he’d done to me wouldn’t exactly show him in a great light. And then it hit me. Ash wanted to get his side of the story, and then he’d ask me for mine.
The sense of déjà vu made me feel sick. What if Ash believed Simon’s version, and without being able to refute his claims directly, I’d end up the loser—again?
No. Ash wasn’t Simon. To even say their names in the same sentence was a detriment to a man who had more integrity in his pinky finger than Simon had in his entire body. Apart from barging into the office and insisting I was present for their conversation, I could do nothing other than trust Ash and do exactly what he’d asked of me.
And hope like hell that history wasn’t about to repeat itself.
Revenge is best served ice-cold.
I locatedKiana deep in conversation with the restaurant manager. As she noticed me approach, she twisted a lock of hair and grimaced. That worried expression alone turned my hands into fists. I dug my nails into my palms, but other than that small sign, no one would know the inner turmoil swirling through my stomach.
Simon had flat out lied to me when I’d asked him what she’d meant about their breakup. I hadn’t let on that I’d seen right through his fabricated story. I’d allowed him to continue spewing untruths in the hope that it would save his career.
It wouldn’t.
And now, it was time to get the truth from a woman who’d never lie to me.
“May I borrow you, please, Kiana?”
Dipping my chin at the restaurant manager, I made a beeline for the exit. The conversation we needed to have wasn’t happening here. Kiana caught up with me right outside the hotel where our car was parked.
I pressed a finger to her lips. “Can you do me a favor? Hold it. I don’t want to have this conversation with you in the car.”
She bit her lip. “Okay.”
The drive back to our hotel only took ten minutes, but they were ten of the longest minutes of my life. Kiana sat like a statue, back straight, hands knitted together and resting on her lap. But she would not stop gnawing on her bottom lip. Over and over and over until I was sure she’d draw blood at any second.
I opened the door to our suite and motioned for her to go in ahead of me.
“Do you want a drink?”
“Will I need one?”
My heart swelled. Even though the unexpected turn the day had taken had knocked her off-balance, she still brought the sass.
I poured a whiskey for me and a gin and tonic for her. One wouldn’t hurt, even if morning had only just tipped over into the afternoon. Handing hers over, I took a seat on the couch and patted the space beside me, a silent message that I wasn’t the least bit upset with her.
“What did he say?” she asked.
“I’d rather hear what you have to say.”
“I don’t know where to start.”
“I usually find the beginning helps.”
She sipped the gin, then set it on the table in front of us.
“I had planned to tell you about him. I wasn’t keeping secrets.”
“We all have a past, Kiana. That you’ve had relationships before me isn’t what I’m interested in. What Iaminterested in is your reaction to him, and the reason he almost puked when he saw you.”