Page 85 of Captivated By You
“But I—”
I narrowed my eyes, my lips mashing into a disapproving line that he’d interrupted me. He read my change in expression and fell silent.
“The Kingcaid brand has a reputation to uphold. We are one of the top hotel chains in the world for a reason. High standards are not just expected but demanded, a requirement of tenure, and yours fall woefully short.”
I straightened, smoothing a hand over my jacket, a play to give him time to let my comments sink in and a test to see if he tried to defend himself before I went in for the kill. He remained quiet, his expression sullen rather than contrite. It all added to the mountain of evidence stacking up that, regardless of what had happened with Kiana, this man was a poor fit for my company.
“Something else I will not tolerate is being told barefaced lies.”
“What have I lied about?”
He sounded incensed, his arms folding over his chest. A defense mechanism.
I arched a brow. His jaw flexed.
“This is about Kiana?” He huffed a bitter laugh. “She’s got you fooled, huh? I can see why you might be smitten. I was at one time, but you just wait. She’ll show her true colors soon, and when she does, you’ll look back on today and realize the huge mistake you made.”
My nostrils flared, but I held on to my rage. Allowing the fury running through my veins to break free would be a mistake. A cool head and calm demeanor was the way to deal with this situation. But fuck, I’d give anything to lay this bastard out with a single punch.
“The only mistake I made was in the processes that allowed someone with your questionable moral code to obtain a senior position in my company. I shall put that issue right as soon as I return to Seattle. In the meantime”—I leaned my hands on his desk again—“collect your things, and security will escort you from the premises.”
Spittle gathered at the corners of his mouth. He shot upright, the skin across his cheeks taut, his eyes filled with uncontrolled rage.
“You can’t fire me.”
I fiddled with my shirt cuffs. “I think you’ll find that I can. Check your contract.”
“You do this and I’ll ruin you, I’ll ruin her, I’ll ruin the whole fucking Kingcaid name. You think you’re untouchable. Well, you’re not. You don’t know what I know, what I have, what I’m capable of.”
I reached inside my jacket and removed my phone, tapping on the screen. Five seconds later, the door opened, and the security guard I’d expected to need entered the office.
“Please accompany Mr. Barlow from the premises. See that you confiscate his security passes and recover any other hotel property before he leaves.”
“Yes, Mr. Kingcaid.”
Simon jabbed a finger in my face as the security guard gripped his bicep. “You’re going to regret this. Mark my words.”
I sighed heavily, rolling my eyes. “Try to leave with a little dignity. Idle threats won’t achieve anything.”
“Oh, they’re not idle.”
A fleck of spit landed on the desk. I made a mental note to have the cleaning staff come in here and perform a deep clean while flashbacks to Forster’s undignified exit wandered into my mind. He’d made similar threats but had faded into the background, just like Barlow would.
Sticks and stones.
I waited until Barlow disappeared with the guard, then removed my phone again and sent the emails I’d pre-prepared. One to my HR director to start the formal termination of his contract and one to my IT director, instructing her to revoke Barlow’s access to systems and properties. The last one went to my father. The man had eyes and ears everywhere, as he’d proved with Forster. And he’d been on vacation when that situation had kicked off. Better to head him off at the pass and report the firing of one of our managers before the grapevine reached him.
Next, I called the assistant manager into my office and briefed him. The way his spine straightened as he assured me I could rely on him while I arranged for a new manager to take over gave me a sense of comfort. He was too young to be considered for the position full-time, but I’d instruct the director in charge of talent to monitor him for future development opportunities.
I made my way to my car, half expecting to find Barlow waiting for me, ready to make a fuss, but he was nowhere to be seen. As the car pulled away from the curb, I sent a text to Kiana, letting her know I’d be there soon. Seconds later, my phone rang.
“Are you okay?”
“Apart from a bloody nose, I’m fine.”
The sharp hiss as she sucked air through her teeth came over the phone line. “Hehityou?”
I chuckled. “You are so easy to tease.”