Page 98 of Captivated By You
“I know I haven’t been on the ball in the last few days. And what with all the shit with Forster and then Barlow.” I almost spat his name, a fiery heat racing through my veins. “I guess I’m worried that you’ll think I’m incapable of running the company. That you might regret your decision to hand over the reins to me.”
Dad touched his throat, his lips parting. “Son, you couldn’t be further from the truth. If I had any kind of criticism, it would be that you worktoohard.”
I chuckled. “Coming from the world’s greatest workaholic.”
Dad grinned. “And that’s why I’m in a position to offer advice. I’m aware that handing over control, of trusting your team, is difficult for you. But you’re a damn fine hotelier—brilliant, in fact. Putting you in charge is one of my finest decisions.”
He rose from the chair and came to sit beside me on the couch.
“I’m so proud of you, of the man you’ve grown into, not just as a CEO, but as a partner to Kiana. When she comes home—which she will, when she’s ready—the greatest gift you can give her is your undivided attention. I wish I’d learned that earlier in my career. I’m fortunate that your mother is such a patient and understanding woman. But there are many times I wish I’d taken more weekends off to be with the family.”
He patted my arm. “You’re ambitious and conscientious, Asher, and I have no doubt Kingcaid Hotels will grow under your stewardship. But please, put your faith in the capable team you have around you, learn to delegate more, and remember to make time to enjoy your youth. Believe me, it passes by in a flash.”
Dad’s pep talk slowly punched through the fog in my brain. My father was proud of me. He thought I was doing a good job. He believed in me.
Rendered speechless, I swallowed past a lump in my throat, my concerns falling away.
“Thank you, Dad.” My voice rasped. “You have no idea what that means to me.”
“She will come back, you know.”
I wished I had his confidence. “I hope so, Dad. I really do.” My vision blurred, and I blinked. “I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t.”
“She’s a smart girl, Asher. Smart and independent. I know you want to fix everything for her, but you can’t. What’s happened is dreadful, and that’s something she’ll have to come to terms with in her own way. As much as it stings your male pride to stand back and let her deal with it the way she sees fit, it’s the right move.”
I nodded. “Doesn’t make it any easier.”
Dad smiled. “Life is hard, son, and love is torture. But the torment will be worth it when she walks back through that door.”
He stood, and so did I. He held out his hand, and I shook it. “Why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow night? Your mother would love to fuss over you.” He rolled his eyes, and I laughed.
“Sounds good, Dad.”
I retrieved his coat and walked him to the elevator. By the time I returned inside, the worry that had ridden me hard ever since Dad put me in charge of the hotel business lifted.
My dad was fucking proud of me.
And right then, I was proud of myself, too.
Cutting the head off the monster
is hugely satisfying.
By the timethe taxi pulled up outside my parents’ house, I could barely keep my eyes open. Talking to the police had exhausted every ounce of energy I had, depleting my stores and leaving me feeling drained. Yet at the same time, a deep surge of pride filled my chest.
It hadn’t been easy, and as nice as the female police officer who’d taken my statement had been, the evidence—namely the sex tape—had been painful to share, even more painful to know several other officers would have to watch it before they could take action against the perpetrator. Some of those officers would be male, and I wasn’t naïve enough to think that there wouldn’t be the odd snigger of disdain somewhere in their ranks.
Jessica had been an absolute rock, her hand clasping mine throughout the entire ordeal. Although there was no evidence to suggest she was a victim just yet, Officer Landry had said that, in her experience, these things were rarely a one-off.
If there was such a thing as justice in the world, Simon Barlow would face the full extent of the law and pay for his crimes. It was out of my hands now. I’d done all I could.
My legs felt weak, my head light and fuzzy as I made my way up the well-tended yard to the front door, a tired smile pulling from me at the pots of winter flowers my mom loved to nurture despite the challenges of an icy Chicago winter. She hadn’t passed her green thumb on to me; that was for sure.
The sound from the TV drifted down the hallway as I locked the door and slipped on the chain. As I turned around, Mom appeared in the living room doorway, her face scored in worry.