Page 102 of Wrecked By You
I still couldn’t find the words to tell them how much I’d missed them, too, how much I loved them. I searched for Johannes. He hadn’t moved from his spot beside the car. His eyes held a hint of trepidation and worry, and the need to reassure him had me untangling myself from my parents’ embrace.
“Give me a minute, Mom.”
I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you,” I murmured, standing on tiptoes to kiss him. “I can’t believe you did this, but I’ll never forget it.”
“You’re not mad?” he whispered low enough so my parents couldn’t overhear. “I worried I’d overstepped.”
“I could never be mad at you for loving me so much that when I hurt, you hurt. It would have taken me so long to pluck up the courage to reach out, which would have meant more wasted time.”
He pecked my lips. “Then go. Be with your parents. Reconnect. There’s a lot to discuss.”
“I’ll pick her up from school, feed her, and take her to the park. When you’re ready for me to bring her home, message me.”
My heart bloomed with love for this man. I might have messed up on my first choice of life partner, but all that suffering had resulted in a reward far bigger than I deserved. A beautiful daughter and this man right here.
I led my parents into the house as Johannes climbed into the car and reversed onto the street. By the time I shut the door, all I saw were his taillights.
“Well,” I said to Mom and Dad. “I guess we have a lot of catching up to do.”
My parents and I talked for four hours. There was a lot of crying, of recriminations and regrets on both sides, but by the end, we laid several ghosts to rest and I had my Mom and Dad back. I blamed myself for their divorce, but when I plucked up the courage to tell them that, both of them vigorously shook their heads. Dad explained that they hadn’t been happy together for a while, but they’d agreed to stay together until I turned eighteen before going their separate ways—as friends.
I could tell they were friends, too. They laughed and teased each other, and there was the odd affectionate touch, the kind that two people who knew each other well made. Their lives were full and happy, their estrangement from me the only blot on the landscape. And thanks to Johannes, that painful sore had healed.
I messaged Johannes to bring Chloe home. Introducing her to my parents, her grandparents, was a moment I’d never, ever forget. I took a mental picture, capturing every second, pushing aside pointless regrets of all the time they’d missed. We had our entire future ahead of us, filled with new memories and family time.
Mom helped me bathe and put Chloe to bed, and then she and Dad gathered their things to head off to the hotel Johannes had booked when he’d arranged to fly them over to reunite with me. He’d invited them to stay with us, but they’d declined, insisting that we should have our own space.
“You okay?” Johannes slipped his hand inside mine and squeezed as the car ferrying my parents to their hotel disappeared down the street.
“More than okay.” I reached up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “How long did you keep that a secret?”
“About a week. There were a few logistical issues to work through, and while your dad could have gotten here immediately, he refused to come without your mom, although it killed him knowing you were here with me and he’d have to wait to see you.”
My heart squeezed. “They’re still great friends.”
“That’s rare, but precious.” He flicked my hair over my shoulder. “Like you.”
I curved my hands around his neck, my thumb brushing his scar. After our heart-to-heart, he’d ditched the sweaters as well as the color black, and I couldn’t be prouder of him. I pulled him to me, stealing a kiss.
“You hungry?” he asked.
I shook my head. “I prepped dinner, but that can wait until after.”
He arched a brow. “After what?”
I grabbed his hand and took off up the stairs, giggling as we piled into our bedroom and fell on the bed. He hushed me, placing a hand over my mouth.
“You’ll wake Chloe.”
“Nah, she sleeps like the dead, and after all that excitement tonight, she’ll probably go right through the night. Which means…” I rolled over until he was beneath me, and my thighs trapped his. “I can torture you for hours.”
He grinned up at me, his smile a sight I’d never tire of. “I thought you’d be tired after all the excitement, too.”
“Never too tired for you.”