Page 34 of Wrecked By You
“Can I help?”
More riffling. More cursing.
“You know, if you had this all filed away, it’d be easier to find what you’re looking for.”
“Thanks for the tip,” he snarled. Then, “Got it.”
He folded the stapled pieces of paper he’d retrieved from pile number one hundred and forty-three in half.
“I could get this filed away, if you want.”
He stared at the paper, scanning it, paying me no attention. “Whatever,” he muttered, brushing past me. “Are you sticking around?”
“Yeah, like I said, I want to get a head start on prep.”
He nodded curtly. “Tell Stan I have to go to San Francisco. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Sure. Of course.”
He set a key on the desk. “Lock up. You shouldn’t be in here alone with the door unlocked. Give it back to me tomorrow.”
He strode down the hallway, disappeared through the staff entrance, and slammed the door hard enough to break the small window.
Hmm. Whatever had happened that required him to go to San Francisco couldn’t be good. I pitied the individual on the other side of Johannes’s wrath. I imagined that being on the receiving end of his temper was like being blasted with a heat gun.
I locked up, then headed for the bar, but as I passed Johannes’s office, I changed my mind. The untidy space had always bothered me. I hated messes and I hated clutter. I’d bet I could have that shipshape in an hour, which would still leave me with enough time to do most of the prep before Stan arrived.
And Johannes had said it was okay when I’d suggested it.
With a sense of purpose, I got to work.
Sixty-five minutes later, I scanned the office, pride blooming in my chest. I’d filed everything away, and even made a card catalogue so that Johannes could follow my system and easily find whatever he needed. Next time he was in a hurry searching for something, he wouldn’t have to wade through piles and piles of paper to find it. He’d be able to go right to it in seconds.
I wasn’t sure why, but earning praise from Johannes had become like a drug. I needed it, craved it, had to have it.
And once he saw what I’d done for him, I planned to drown in it.
It isn’t easy battling the boss
when you’re the underling.
So why does she manage it so effortlessly?
“What the fuck is this?”
I gaped around my office. At least, I thought it was my office. When I’d left for San Francisco yesterday because that fucker Douglas had turned up to the club and caused a huge scene resulting in the head bartender I’d temporarily put in charge having to call the police, it’d looked like it always had. Organized chaos. I knew where everything was.
Now, I didn’t have a goddamn clue.
I stomped over to the tall filing cabinet in the corner of the room and yanked open the top drawer. The first thing that caught my eye was a colorful card filled with neat handwriting. I plucked it out and stared at it.
Fuck me. It was an indexing system. And one I easily followed, too. Hmm. Maybe I wouldn’t have had so much trouble finding Douglas’s signed employment contract to pass on to my lawyer so he could use it to nail that bastard’s balls to the wall if I’d had this system before.