Page 95 of Wrecked By You
“What does that mean?”
He tapped at the communication device attached to his right ear. “No comms until they make themselves known.”
“How will we know?”
His smile grew. “Oh, we’ll know.”
I hadn’t a clue what that meant, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t like any of this. I should have found another way, a less violent way. I shuddered, and my hands wouldn’t stop trembling. I stuffed them beneath my thighs.
A loud bang echoed through the night, and I leapt out of my seat. “What was that?” A volley of gunfire followed, audible even from a half mile away. “Shit, shit. Is this it? What’s happening?”
More gunfire. More explosions.
“God, what’s going on?” I went for the door. He gripped my arm and pushed me back into my seat.
“Sit. The fuck. Down.”
The sound of an engine firing rent the air, and I caught sight of one of the other vans fired taking off toward the compound. Was that for Ella and Chloe?
Please, please God. Let them come out alive and unharmed.
“If she’s hurt… If your guys hurt her…”
“Relax, Mr. Kingcaid. We’re professionals. It’s what we do.”
Relax? Is he crazy?
“If it was your girl in there, would you be able to relax?” I spat.
His mouth twisted, and he hitched a shoulder. “No.”
“Then don’t expect me to.”
I lost track of time, the sound of gunfire peppering the air. Then it stopped. I held my breath, waiting for it to start up again.
My minder spoke rapidly into his comms. “Echo Bravo, report.”
“Echo Bravo, this is Zulu. Report.”
A crackle sounded over the airwaves.
The DEA agent tried again. “Echo Bravo, this is Zulu. Come in.”
Another crackle, then, “Zulu, this is Echo Bravo. Compound secured, targets apprehended.”
Targets?Did that mean Ella or Fernandez?
“Are they okay?” My tongue felt too thick for my mouth. “Ella and Chloe, are they all right?”
He held up a finger. “The package?”
Package?It was as if they were speaking a foreign language.
“We have them. Sending your way now.”