Page 98 of Wrecked By You
She breathed out a sigh of relief. “Poor Ginny. She must regret the day she met me.”
“I highly doubt that. She wanted to come straight over here, but I told her to leave it for a day or so. I hope that was the right thing to do.”
“Yeah. It was. I’m not ready. Not yet. My mind is whirring. It won’t stop.”
“It will all seem better after a good night’s sleep. I promise.”
A sob broke from her throat, but she caught it, swallowing back the emotion. “I was so scared, Johannes. But I was mad, too. So angry. If I’d had a gun, I would have shot him.”
You and me both.
“He’s in custody. He can’t hurt you any longer.”
“But what if he gets out?” She spoke so quietly that I strained to hear her.
“He won’t.”
“You don’t know him. He’s a powerful man. He has friends in high places.”
“You’re safe with me. I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you or to Chloe.”
Her bottom lip wobbled. “I wish I’d told you everything.”
I grimaced. “We’ve both made mistakes.”
“Yeah.” She sighed and held Chloe a little tighter. “I’m so tired.”
I leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Get some sleep. I’ll be right across the hall.”
A part of me yearned for her to ask me to stay, and a piece of me died when she didn’t. Trauma brought terrible consequences. I should know. It damaged relationships and broke people apart. It scared me what it might do to me if I lost Ella through this.
I crept from the room, closing the door behind me, and crossed the hallway to my bedroom. I lay on the bed for a while, eyes wide open, my mind racing. I wasn’t sure at what point I’d drifted off, but I woke to the feel of Ella’s arm snaking around my waist. I turned over and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me.
“I can’t stay,” she whispered. “I have to be with Chloe right now.”
“I know.” I kissed her hair, breathing deeply through my nose, memorizing the smell of her. “I’m here. Whenever you need me, I’m here.”
She nestled into my neck. “I love you.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, holding her even closer. “I love you,” I murmured, seeking her lips with my own, the connection all too brief. What a time to share our true feelings, yet on some level, it was perfect.
Perfectly us. Perfectly flawed.
We lay together for a few more minutes, then Ella slipped from my arms and returned to Chloe.
But this time, I didn’t mourn the loss. I embraced it. Celebrated the personal growth I’d experienced over the last few weeks since Ella had come into my life. As much as I needed her, Chloe needed her more.
* * *
Ella waved off Chloe as she skipped down the path with Ginny to the car I’d provided. Ginny had offered to take Chloe for a few hours to give Ella and me the space to talk—with a security detail in tow, of course. I wasn’t taking any fucking chances.
Over the last week, Chloe had gradually released the tight hold she had on her mother, returning to the cheerful, happy little girl she’d been in Vegas. Kids were so resilient. Adults far less so. Ella’s viewpoint on the entire experience would take longer to process. But she would. I’d make sure of it.
She closed the door, sagging against it. “Boy, that was difficult.”