Page 111 of Seduced By You
“One of many reasons.” I kissed the top of her head, shifting my weight to stop my dick from rubbing against my zipper. It hadn’t gotten the memo that Lee was recovering from surgery and therefore fucking was out of the question until the doctor gave her the all-clear.
“There are other things we can do, you know. Things that don’t involve vigorous sex.”
“Horny, are we?”
She put her hand on my dick. My solid-as-a-bat dick. “I can take care of this.”
I groaned, pushing my hips into her hand. “I guess there are things we can—” Dash landed on my lap, sharp claws digging into my erection. I yelped, jerking my hips. All that did was make him dig in harder. “JesusChrist!”
Lee gingerly lifted him off me, laughing far too hard for my liking.
“Fuck, that hurt. I swear, that cat has lived the last of his nine lives.”
“Love me, love my cat.” She set him down in the hallway and closed the door to the living room.
“You’re lucky you’re worth it,” I grumbled, the sharp pain receding. “That cat is a fucking cockblocker.”
“He’s been the man of the house for months. It’s hard for him to relinquish his place in the hierarchy. You have to earn it, and that’s his way of telling you you’re not there yet.”
“Man? He’s a cat.”
“Not in his head.”
Huffing, I tucked her into my side once again. I flicked through the TV channels, my dick—and my ego—a bit battered and bruised.
Lee walked her fingers up my thigh. “We’re safe now. He’s—”
She broke off, seeing the same thing I had at the same time. Sir Darren Grange’s jowly face loomed large on the TV, a man that had to be his lawyer on his left-hand side, and a trembling and scared-looking Fenella on the other. Benedict stood off to one side, only half in the shot, almost as if he didn’t want to be associated with any of this in case it affected his career. Fenella’s father probably insisted that he be there to show a united front. Flashbulbs lit up the screen, popping as photographers all vied for the money shot.
He made a short statement that said practically nothing and had obviously been penned by his legal team.
“They let her go, then?” Lee murmured.
“On bail, most likely.”
“I thought they’d have kept us informed.”
“If we have to give evidence at any trial, I’m sure they will be in touch.”
“Do you think her father has the power to make all this go away?”
I’d had the same thought myself but hadn’t wanted to voice it. I hitched a shoulder. “Mine did.”
“Kadon.” One word spoken, steeped in castigation.
I forced a weak smile. “Powerful men can make anything disappear, Lee. Criminal charges. People. Money. It’s the way of the world. I can hardly complain. I benefited from it.”
“That’s not the same.”
“Isn’t it?”
“No.” She sat upright. An icy chill raced over me at the loss of her warmth. “You were a child, Kadon, and what happened was an accident. Fenella is a grown woman who cut the brake fluid lines, knowing her actions would cause serious injury at best. That’s not the same thing at all.”
“No, I guess you’re right.”
“Wow.” She grinned at me. “That’s progress.”
“I’m trying.”