Page 17 of Seduced By You
Pretending to prepare for when we’d have to do this for real was one thing. But Lee had a pretty good radar. If I wasn’t careful, she might figure out the truth, and then where would I be?
Up shit creek without a paddle.
Her next outfit spared my painful hard-on, although she still looked smoking hot. A fitted pale blue shirt that lay over the waistband of a pair of skinny jeans, and fuck-me boots in jet black.
“What’s this outfit for?”
“Traveling. I want to show up looking good, but not as if I’ve made that much of an effort. Casual.”
I gave her a thumbs-up. “Nailed it.”
Her phone buzzed in her purse. She jerked her chin at the coat stand she’d hung it on after we’d arrived. “See who that is, would you? In case there’s a problem at the club.”
I grinned. “If there was a problem at the club, I think… Ithink…they may call me. You know. The boss.”
She scratched her temple—with her middle finger. I laughed, flicking my wrist. “Next. I’ll take care of any fires in your absence.”
She whipped around, giving me a terrific view of her ass encased in those clingy jeans before she disappeared. I stared into space far longer than I should have, the image vibrant and, therefore, worth spending a few seconds daydreaming about.
Lumbering to my feet, I unzipped her purse. The weirdest thing for a guy was when a woman asked him to dig around in her purse. You might come across all sorts of things. My personal nightmare? Grabbing a pack of tampons, losing control of my hands, and spilling them everywhere, then having to get down on my hands and knees and scoop them up.
Lucky for me, I located her phone with minimal rummaging, and not a tampon in sight. I tapped the screen to wake it up. She had it locked, but her notifications were on—and blazing across the screen was a text from Fenella.
What the hell did she want?
If I had the code for Lee’s phone, I’d delete the damned message. But then I’d have to tell her why I’d done that, so what was the point, really?
Lee was already feeling all kinds of shit about this wedding without Bridezilla popping up in her messages wanting fuck knows what.
She emerged from the back for the third time wearing… a bathrobe. I tapped my finger against my lips, looking her up and down and taking my time about it. She still looked gorgeous, even in a shapeless robe. But I could hardly tell her that. So I reacted as she’d expect me to. With a sarcastic comment.
“Not sure that’s the look you’re going for.”
She didn’t need to know my thoughts had shot to… one little tug. A quick pull and I’d get to live out a dirty fantasy.
Her eyes rolled back in her head. “You’re such an arse. The dress is a little long, so Noémie is quickly pinning it. Who was the text from?”
I grimaced. “Bridezilla.”
Momentarily confused, she wrinkled her nose. “Bri—Fenella?”
“One and the same.”
“What the hell does she want?”
She planted her hands on her hips. The robe parted slightly, giving me a glimpse of one creamy breast. I swallowed a groan and covered my groin with my hands. Jeans didn’t tent like sweatpants, which, on one hand was a relief, but on the other, fuck, erections and denim were completely incompatible.
Someone in the fashion industry should get on that. If they solved that problem, they’d make a fucking fortune.
I held out her phone. “It’s locked. Not that I would have looked if it hadn’t been.” How easily the lies tripped off my tongue. “Notifications showed her name. That’s it.”
She took it from me. I gave it a few seconds.
“What’s it say?”
“The cheeky cow.” Lee’s eyes volleyed from me to the screen, then back to me. “She says she’s ‘so delighted, darling’ that I’ve been able to put my embarrassment at getting dumped behind me to come to the wedding. Glad there are no hard feelings. Oh, and a parting salvo of ‘the best woman won’ with a stupid grinning emoji.” Lee snorted. “Best woman, my arse.”