Page 3 of Seduced By You
“Was great to spend time with the fam, too. It’s been a minute.”
Lee wrinkled her nose. “That American phrase confuses me. I mean, a minute isn’t a very long time. Why don’t you say ‘while’? It’s been a while. Or it’s been a few months? Those make far more sense. Why ‘a minute’?”
“I’ve no freaking idea. I’ve always said it. You say weird things sometimes, too.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
I rubbed my chin, contemplating her question.Dammit. “Well… I can’t come up with any right this second, but—”
“Aha! Gotcha.”
“No. I’ll think of something.”
She pretended to file her nails. “I’ll be right here, on the edge of my seat, waiting.”
Lee’s sarcasm was one of the first things I’d fallen in love with. She definitely had more English blood in her than French. Attending school in England had probably helped. Her French accent was so slight that I had to strain to pick it up.
I chuckled. “How have things been here?”
“Ah, the old ‘let’s change the subject’ switcheroo. Everything’s been fine. No drama. It’s almost like you’re not needed.”
“You’d miss me if I weren’t around.”
“Yeah, like a boil on the bum.”
She downed the remains of my coffee and aimed the cup at the trash. Of course, it went in. “Score! I did miss you.” Her lips stretched into a grin, and her eyes twinkled—both signs that she hadn’t finished.
I waited, one eyebrow arched in anticipation.
“I’ve had to fetch my own coffee.”
“And there it is.” I threw my hands in the air. “You’re so predictable.”
“It’s your belief in my predictability that will ultimately be your downfall. I do have a funny story to tell you about the temp receptionist, though, if you’re interested.”
“Brigitte not back yet?”
Brigitte was my full-time receptionist. She’d called in sick the day before I was due to fly to Vegas for Nolen’s wedding. I hadn’t met the temp. Lee had taken care of the arrangements, even though it technically wasn’t her job. She might have the title of VIP Operations Manager, but she took care of far more than our VIPs.
If only she’d take care of me.
“No. I spoke to her on Thursday. She sounded awful.”
“I’ll send some flowers and a gift card for a spa day or something.”
“Already done.”
“Lifesaver.” I motioned with my hand. “So, the temp?”
“Her name’s Claudine, and she’s super sweet, but a little… green. Anyway, yesterday I was going through the upcoming bookings for next weekend, and I saw one that made me laugh out loud. She’d typed ‘Vee Eye Pee’ instead of ‘VIP’ against a booking for Sebastian Devereaux for Friday through Monday.”
Sebastian was a senior board member of ROGUES, a company my family did a fair amount of business with, and an all-around great guy. If he was stopping by, I might drop him a line and suggest a round of golf.
“She didn’t? God bless her.”
Lee made a cross on her chest. “I swear it’s the truth. She’s magnificent with the guests, though. They adore her. She’s delightful and caring and has this lovely way about her.”