Page 31 of Seduced By You
“Whatever you decide to do is good with me. All I want is for you to be happy.”
I caught her smile out of the corner of my eye, and it warmed me from the pit of my stomach to the tips of my fingers.
“I’ve said it before, but it warrants repeating. I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.” Her mouth turned down for the briefest moment. “I’ve never had friends. Not really. Did I ever tell you that?”
The monotonous voice of the navigation system interrupted my response. I turned off Euston Road onto Gloucester Place.
“I don’t have friends, either, other than you. I lost touch with my school friends, and I never went to college, so…” I shrugged. Dad had thought it better for me to go straight into the family business after what had happened in Switzerland, and he’d been right. With my particular learning challenges, I’d have hated college. I’d learned more in six months of shadowing Dad and my uncles than I would have in four years of further education.
“But you have your brothers and your cousins. I’ve often wished Maman and Papa had more kids.”
It occurred to me that Lee rarely talked about her family. Maybe she couldn’t get a word in with the number of times I talked about mine. That made me a shitty friend. I should try some gentle coaxing to encourage her to reach out to her parents. As much as she put on a brave face, it was clear to me she missed them.
“Do you know why?”
“Yeah. Maman had complications after having me, and her doctor advised her not to have any more kids. I guess they could have adopted, but for whatever reason, they didn’t.”
“What about modeling? You must have made a ton of friends there.”
She laughed. “Ah, my dearest Kadon. Models aren’t friends. They’rerivals.And it wasn’t as if I attended school like other kids. I had a tutor traveling with me.”
God. What a lonely life she’d led. It broke my heart.
“Well, for what it’s worth, you’re never getting rid of me.”
She put her hand on my knee, and I almost shot through the roof. Somehow, I kept myself attached to the seat. Not a clue how. I wished she’d superglue her hand to my leg.
The best idea I’d ever had, or the worst?
“Trust you to arrive in a Ferrari.”Blaize stepped forward and bear-hugged me. “You’re such a cliché. Glad to see the luscious locks are growing back.” He let me go, ruffled my hair, and then held out a hand to Lee. “You must be Leesa. Nice to meet you.”
“And you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Don’t believe everything my baby brother says, unless it’s complimentary, then it’s a hundred percent accurate.” He gestured to the entrance. “I’ve already got us a table. Shall we go inside and escape the cold?”
I waited for Lee to pick where she wanted to sit, then took the chair next to hers. Blaize sat opposite, crossed his legs, and opened his menu.
“If you’re starved, Leesa, I recommend the Diablo Burger. It’s not exactly a date meal, but none of us here have to worry about burger juices running down our chins.” He stared pointedly at me. Lee wouldn’t know the purpose of his stare, but I did.
I studiously ignored him. “Think I’ll have the salmon.”
“I’ll go with Blaize’s suggestion and have the burger. And a sparkling water.”
Talk about nailing a guy between the eyes. Not that I gave a flying fuck about burger juices dripping down her chin. If anything, all I’d want to do was lick them off. But it was more what Lee’s choice said about us. That therewasno us. That there neverwould bean us. We were friends. That was all.
I knew this. Yet every time further evidence presented itself, my chest got a little tighter, my lungs struggled to breathe, and my shoulders bowed that touch more.
Blaize beckoned over a hovering server. “Two Diablo Burgers and the salmon. One sparkling water and two Cokes. Thanks.” He gathered up our menus and handed them over. “So, Leesa, what’s with this wedding? Are you planning to slip laxatives in his drink and spoil his wedding night?”
Lee laughed. “I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s a great idea. I’ll keep it in mind.” She paused to allow the server to set down her water. “I had no intention of going, until Kadon suggested we fake it out and pretend we’re a couple.”
Blaize picked up his glass of Coke, his jade-green eyes on me. “Is that right?”