Page 39 of Seduced By You
“That you’re a cheating asshole worked out damn fine for me, so thanks for that, Benny.”
“It’s Benedict,” he said through clenched teeth.
I made a dismissive gesture. “I’m never going to remember that. You’re such a perfect Benny.”
The two women seated at the same table as us snickered. Benedict reddened, muttered something I couldn’t catch under his breath—more than likely an insult I’d lose zero sleep over—and launched to his feet, stomping across the room to the other side.
I put my lips close to Lee’s ear. “Are you okay?”
She nodded. “I can handle him.”
“I know you can. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to break his fucking nose for speaking to you like that.”
I wouldn’t. With my track record, I avoided any kind of violent encounter. Didn’t mean those urges weren’t there, especially with a douche like Benedict Oberon, only that it was best I didn’t let my anger get the better of me.
“So, you used to be a model?” Jeanette, if I recalled correctly, propped her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands. “What a fascinating occupation. So glamorous.”
“It isn’t nearly as glamorous as it seems,” Lee said.
“Really? All that travel to exotic locations and being photographed in clothes that cost as much as my mortgage. People telling you all the time how beautiful you are. Which you are,” she added gushingly. “You’re stunning.”
“Thanks.” Lee shifted uncomfortably. “But looks can be deceiving. Trust me, it’s hard work.”
Jeanette’s husband—whose name escaped me—snorted. “Poppycock. It’s nothing more than prancing down a catwalk in ridiculous outfits that no one is ever going to buy and smiling for the cameras. What’s so hard about that?”
I half rose out of my chair, my glare fiery enough to take the skin off his face. “Hang on a sec—”
“It’s fine, Kadon.” Lee gripped my arm and tugged me back to a seated position. “It’s not an unusual response when you don’t know what you’re talking about.” She smiled sweetly at him, her passive-aggressive sideswipe going right over the dude’s head. “There’s an enormous amount of pressure on models, of unhealthy practices to stay thin enough to fit into those ridiculous outfits, as you call them. They’re designed for size zero models, which basically means there isn’t a day that goes by when you’re not racked with hunger pangs that make you double over. I often skipped meals so my belly wouldn’t pop in the latest clingy outfit.”
“Yeah, but what’s the odd missed meal when you get paid a hefty wedge for something that takes no talent to perform? Doesn’t sound that hard to me.”
One more wisecrack from this dick, and I won’t hold back. Fuck the consequences.
“Piers,” Jeanette said, giving him a sharp dig in the ribs. “Don’t be so rude.”
“It’s a brief career.” Lee continued with her patient explanation when Piers deserved to leave here with his arm in a sling. “A little like sports. We have to make hay while the sun shines.”
“Yeah, but sports are proper jobs undertaken by men with talent. You’re merely a pretty girl who used to get paid to appear in pretty pictures and now want to complain about how difficult it was for you.”
This time Lee couldn’t stop me from launching to my feet. I planted both hands on the table to prevent me from wrapping them around this jerk’s neck. “Okay, buddy, that’s it. Keep talking and all you’ll do is prove to everyone listening what a misogynistic bigot you are, not to mention an idiot. In case it’s escaped your notice, women play sports, too. Now do us all a favor and stay out of my way for the rest of this weekend. Because if you don’t, there’s a high degree of probability you’ll leave here on crutches. Or worse.” I took hold of Lee’s hand and helped her to her feet. “Come on, babe. Let’s go watch the fireworks before I’m tempted to pick this jackass up and sling him onto the bonfire.”
I curved an arm around her waist and held her close to me as we filed out of the ballroom along with several other guests to go watch the fireworks display. Lee said nothing, and I feared I’d overstepped the mark. She’d been handling the prick with the big mouth perfectly fine all by herself, then I’d rushed to her defense, which might have looked like I didn’t think she was capable of defending herself. And that couldn’t be farther from the truth. But what sort of boyfriend would I be if I stood by and let Piers the Prick diss my girl in that way?
Except I wasn’t her boyfriend, and she wasn’t my girl.
Piers was a prick, though.
I picked up a blanket from a stack left for the guests and wrapped it around Lee’s shoulders to keep her warm, leading her to a spot close to the bonfire. A staff member was toasting marshmallows on sticks, and I grabbed a couple, handing one to Lee.
“Peace offering.”
She craned her neck and looked up at me. “For what?”
I kicked back my head. “For what I did back there. I should have let you handle it on your own.”
“Are you kidding me? You were amazing. No one has ever stood up for me like that. I felt like a fucking queen.”
Relief chased away the tension pinching the muscles in my neck. I grinned at her. “That’s because you are a fucking queen.”