Page 47 of Seduced By You
“There you are.” Fenella’s high-pitched voice echoed through the ballroom from where I’d snuck off hoping she wouldn’t find me. “I’ve been looking for you all over.” She joined me at the window, her eyes tracking the group of men heading toward the woods. “Ah, there they go. Such amanlysport, shooting, don’t you think?”
“No.” My droll reply was lost on her.
She laughed that tinkly laugh and nudged me with her elbow. “I hope they bring back lots of birds.”
I arched a brow. “The winged type or the human type?”
She hesitated for a second, then caught up with my sarcasm-loaded reply. “Oh, you are funny, Leesa. Come on. The girls have already gone across to the spa. Our massages await.”
“Ooh, goody.” I rubbed my hands together.
“I know.” She sighed wistfully. “Think of all that relaxation. Just what we need.”
I sighed, too, though for different reasons. Sarcasm was wasted on Fenella.
Invitations to the spa were extremely exclusive, even more so than those invited to stay at Grange Manor for the wedding. Nine guests, including me and Fenella.
I blew out a breath. It was going to be a long-ass day, as Kadon would say.
Wisps of memories strayed into my mind. Sleeping beside Kadon, waking up with his erection nudging me, the speech he’d made about the right man waiting somewhere in the wilderness for me to find him. Goddammit. The inclination to scream, “I’ve found him, and he’s you!” had risen inside me like a geyser about to spew. Thank God I’d found the strength to contain my outburst. Like Kadon had said to me, I couldn’t lose his friendship either. Something was better than nothing.
How tragic that it had taken two beautiful kisses to open my eyes, and now I couldn’t close them to the truth.
“Everyone, this is Leesa.” Fenella’s introduction dragged me back to the present. “She and Benedict used to be engaged. Can youimaginea more unmatched pair?” More silly laughter.
I managed a weak smile and a raised hand. “Hi.”
A few murmured greetings, and one girl budged up on the sofa to allow me room to sit. I almost told her I preferred to stand, but that might come across as snooty, and I had hours ahead of me in the company of these women. No point in making the day harder than it needed to be.
Fenella stood on ceremony, listing out all the “fun and wonderful” things for us to do today. Her idea of fun was diametrically opposed to my own, but I was here now. Might as well get the most out of it. Besides, a massage sounded nice.
“So you were engaged to Benedict?” the woman who’d made space for me asked when Fenella paused for breath. “I’m Pippa, by the way.”
“Oh, yes, she was,” Fenella interjected.
I hadn’t even opened my mouth.
“He dumped her for me.” The triumphant tone to her voice encouraged my bitchy side to come out to play.Gloves off, darling.I’d always laid the lion’s share of the blame at Benedict’s door, but did Fenella need to take quite so much glee in rubbing my face in it?
“It’s true. He was cheating on me for weeks before he broke off our engagement.”
Fenella’s ears went pink.You started it, sweetheart.
“But you know, with hindsight, you did me a favor, Fenella.”
“Oh.” She tilted her head to one side. “How’s that?”
“Well, if Benedict hadn’t broken off our engagement, I wouldn’t have met Kadon.” I made my eyes go all misty and stared off into space. “Benedict was soboringin bed. He was what I’d call a traditionalist.”
I looked at Pippa rather than Fenella. The other girls all paid attention, propping their elbows on their knees and leaning forward in rapt enthrallment.
“He thought that me on top was going wild.” I laughed. This was too much fun. “Whereas Kadon… he’s soadventurous,you know? Thrilling. Sex with him is such a rush. I can’t get enough.” I faked a little shiver. “Sorry. I was remembering what we did last night.” I closed my eyes and sighed. When I opened them, I could have sworn the women had shifted their chairs a little closer.
“Perhaps you were the problem, Leesa,” Fenella snapped. “Because with me, Benedict is an animal in bed.”
Animal? Benedict? A chipmunk at best.
I’d love to say that out loud, but it seemed a step too far. As much as Fenella needled me—and meant to—she wasn’t the one I was mad at.