Page 55 of Seduced By You
“Have you lost your mind?”
“My heart, Annaleesa. I’ve lost my heart. To you.” He frowned, almost as if he couldn’t comprehend that I hadn’t fallen at his feet at such an amazing offer. “We’d have to be careful, but I’m willing to do that for you. I thought you’d be flattered.”
I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. What a self-absorbed, egotistical jerk who, if I was reading the look on his face accurately, believed in his heart of hearts that I’d jump at the chance of rekindling our relationship.
The tips of his ears reddened, and a vein popped in his forehead. That thing always protruded when he was about to lose his temper or couldn’t get his own way. How had I never noticed what a child he could be when we’d been together?
“No, Benedict. I’m not flattered. And, in case it’s escaped your attention, I have a boyfriend.”
“The Yank?” He spat out a bitter laugh. “He’s not worthy of you.”
My eyebrows flew up my forehead. “And you are?”
“At least I don’t look as if I’ve rolled straight in off a beach.”
“No. Just out of another woman’s bed.” I high-fived myself for that one.
“I didn’t mean to cheat. I meant to break up with you before I slept with Fenella, but what happened, happened.”
What a piece of work.
“That’s okay, then. I mean, those penises do have a habit of burrowing into vaginas without the man they’re attached to having any say in it whatsoever.”
“You never used to be like this. You’ve always been so good and kind. Is thathisinfluence?”
“No.” I jabbed a finger at his chest. “It’s yours. After you dumped me, I woke up from the nightmare I’d been living and realized I’d buried my true self.” I threw my arms out to the side. “So this is me, Benedict, in all my sarcastic glory. Still want to hook up with me?”
“I love you.”
I laughed again. This was like a comedy sketch. I expected it to be up for a BAFTA any day now.
“Go back to your wife, Benedict.”
I turned. He grabbed my elbow and spun me toward him. His arms banded around my waist. “Don’t go. Please. Give me another chance.” He tried to kiss me.
“Get off me.” I whipped my head to the side. “You had your chance, and you blew it.” I rammed both hands against his chest, and he released me. “You made your bed, Benedict. Go lie in it.”
“You heard her.” Kadon tugged me behind him, putting himself between me and Benedict. He grabbed Benedict around the throat and shoved him against the wall. “Touch my woman again and I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Kadon, let him go.” I tugged on his arm. “He’s not worth it.”
“I’m warning you, Oberon. You lay one finger on her and I’ll put you in the ground.”
Benedict grinned. “Well, you do have form.”
Form? What was he talking about? Kadon stilled. His hand fell from Benedict’s neck, and he took a step back.
“Let’s go, Lee.” He captured my hand and led me away. A nerve thrummed in his cheek, and his nostrils flared. I’d never seen him so angry.
“I might not be perfect, Annaleesa,” Benedict hollered. “But at least I’ve never killed anyone.”
It’s time to tell the truth.