Page 75 of Seduced By You
“I don’t like to talk about it. I regretted having it done for a long time, but the browbeating is constant and hard to resist. On the whole, though, I fought my corner pretty well. It’s women like Ayesha, who crave the limelight to an unhealthy extent, that are easy to take advantage of, to push beyond their limits. Not for their sake, but for the whole fucking industry, many of whom see it as a way to make a lot of money from someone else’s face and body and hard work.”
“It sounds toxic as hell.”
“It can be. There are good people in the business, but there are a lot of bad ones, too. Exploitative arseholes who gaslight vulnerable women all in the name of the mighty dollar.”
“So what is it you want to do?”
Right before my eyes, she blossomed, like a flower fed the right amount of water and sunlight. Whatever she’d decided upon, I’d move mountains to ensure she fulfilled her dream.
“I want to start a modeling agency, but not like most of the others. Mine will focus on body positivity, showcasing all kinds of people, both young and old, tall and short, figures of all shapes and sizes.” Her eyes shone, her jaw set in determination. “It’ll be epic.”
“It’s a terrific idea, and with you at the helm, I wouldn’t doubt its success for a second.” I tucked her hair behind her ear. “I can help.”
She shook her head. “If I need help, I’ll ask. But I want to try to do this on my own. It’s scary and I might fail, but at least I’ll have given it a go and attempted to do some good. It’s better than sitting back and doing nothing.”
Her determination to launch this business by herself didn’t surprise me. Given her misbelief—echoed by her mother—that she had no worth outside her physical appearance, I understood, and supported, the need to go it alone.
“I’m proud of you.”
“I haven’t done anything yet.”
“No, but you will. You’ll do great things, Lee. It’s your destiny.”
I’m not ready for this.
“Home sweet home.”I set down Dash’s cat carrier. He hissed at me. “Love you, too, Dash, you little shit.”
“He blames you for keeping me away from him for so long.”
“He’d better get used to it. You’re mine now.”
Lee chuckled. “Try telling him that.”
I peered through the bars of his cage. He hissed again, pawing at the door. I crouched down. “If I let you out and you draw a drop of blood, you’ll be sorry.”
He licked his paws, but his eyes were on me. Watching. Wary. Ready to pounce if he saw an opportunity. I opened the door. He barged through, scampering across the kitchen floor and into the living room.
“Lucky escape.”
“Yeah, for him.”
Lee laughed. “Oh, my. You’ve got a lot to learn about cats.”
“He’s got a lot to learn about me.”
“Hmm.” Lee tapped her finger against her lips. “If I had to place a bet, the cat will come out on top. Every time.”
“I’m offended you think I can’t outsmart a cat. Besides, if he doesn’t behave, he won’t get to tag along.”
She frowned. “Tag along where?”
“Aha. Now you’re intrigued.”
“I’m also jet-lagged, so if you’re planning on whisking me off to Australia or something, I’m about to disappoint you.”