Page 66 of Wraith's Revenge
I smiled, jumped out of the car, and dashed into the house. It had been a long day, and I needed to pee something fierce. Which reminded me... Belle, has Hattie had a chance to get the pregnancy test yet?
No. She got caught up at the court and the pharmacy was closed by the time she got there.
You can buy them in the supermarket these days.
I suspect Hattie is not the type to venture into a regular supermarket.
Given the amount of chocolate in her pantry, I suspect you’re wrong.
Belle laughed. Home delivery is a thing, you know, especially amongst the royal houses. Can’t be seen mingling with the masses after all.
Hattie didn’t give me that impression at all.
No, but she mingles with the masses all day long, and tends to just want to come home and zone out at the end of it.
Meaning Belle had at some point read her mind. Can you jog her memory? As much as I want to avoid knowing, I probably should.
Will do.
After a long hot shower that washed away the grime, if not the weariness, we ate dinner, then spent the rest of the evening going through Clayton’s property portfolio. We eventually came up with two lists—one with the properties we’d initially ask for, and the other with the ones we’d settle on. Which, if we included the cash, would leave us a couple of mil shy of the ten I’d demanded, but would nevertheless be a fucking amazing result.
By the time ten rolled around, I was all but dead on my feet. I bid everyone good night, then stumbled down the hall to my bedroom. I was barely in bed when the phone rang, the tone telling me in instant who it was.
My silly heart skipped several happy beats.
Chapter Nine
I shuffled up in the bed, tucked the pillow behind my back, and then hit the answer button.
“Aiden,” I said, in a calm tone that totally belied the chaotic churn of thoughts and heart. “Everything all right?”
“No, but I’m guessing you already know that. Monty has never been one to hold his own counsel.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “That’s for sure. Has anyone been hurt?”
“When it comes to the wild magic, there’ve been a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing serious so far. The lilin, on the other hand, are causing a great deal of consternation.”
“What the hell are lilin?”
“Monty didn’t tell you?”
“I haven’t spoken to Monty. He might have told Belle, but she hasn’t passed it on.”
“Understandable, given you’ve more than enough to deal with, and it’s not like you can do much from up there anyway.”
“I know but—”
“It’s fine, Liz. Monty is more than capable of handling the situation. And the lilin are minor night spirits who attack but don’t kill men. Monty’s calling them a nice change of pace.”
I snorted. He would. “Does he know how to get rid of them?”
“We’ve instigated a full night curfew. Apparently, they’ll move on if there’s no one out and about to harass.” He paused. “Their influx has had one benefit though—it’s made a mockery of my mother’s attempts to blame you for the demon infestations.”
“I daresay she’ll find something else to blame me for.” It was lightly said. I might hate the bitch, but she was his mom and the current alpha. If I wanted any hope of a long-term relationship, then I couldn’t say too much about her when I was talking to him.