Page 56 of Ring of Ruin
“Bethany,” he said, his tone breathless. “Sorry, I was otherwise occupied and didn’t hear the phone until it was almost too late.”
“Is ‘otherwise occupied’ code for being in bed with a lovely young woman?”
He laughed. “Sadly, last night’s companion had to leave at an indecently early hour. I was lifting weights. This bod does not maintain its magnificence by sex alone, I’m afraid.”
I tried to ignore the sliver of... not jealousy, but maybe something akin to it at the confirmation that hehadbeen with someone. Our relationship was a casual, open, no-strings-attached deal, and it wasn’t like I’d been home alone twiddling my thumbs.
But understanding all that and not being affected by itemotionallywas a whole lot harder than I’d presumed.
“What can I do for you?” he added.
“I’m just wondering if you were free today.”
“The council called a meeting for later this afternoon, but I’ve no plans aside from that. Why? I take it this isnota booty call. Unless, of course, the lovely Eljin proved to be not so... satisfactory in bed.”
Was there a slight edge in his voice when he said that? I’d have loved to believe so, but in truth, it was extremely unlikely.
Elves didnotdo jealousy. Dark elves did have a reputation for falling hard and fast once they met the right woman, but unlike their golden kin, apparently didnotfuck around once the relationship got serious.
Whether that was true or not I couldn’t say, and it wasn’t like I’d ever find out.
Not until he met his true love and either ditched me or not.
Of course, it wasn’t like I’d be his bit on the side if hedidfind his heart’s desire.
“Oh, the lovely Eljin wasextremelysatisfactory,” I replied. “Not only did he live up to expectations, but he exceeded them.”
“I’m pleased for you.”
He didn’t sound pleased, but then, it was becoming more and more evident that this man did not like sharing ‘his’ women. Not that he’d ever admit something like that. Not even to himself.
“So am I,” I said cheerfully. “Finding one hot man who not only knows what a clitoris is but where it hangs out is rare enough, but two? The gods have definitely taken pity on me for the long months of celibacy suffered after my breakup with Mathi.”
He chuckled softly. “Not something I have ever faced.”
Or ever would. “I believe I’ve found the cave that hides the forge where the Claws were made, but given neither Lugh nor I are cavers, I’m thinking it might be wise to—”
“Have someone along who can read and manipulate stone and clear any rockfalls,” he finished for me.
“Yes.” I hesitated. “Lugh also suggested Mathi come along. He feels we might need the additional muscle given the Looisearch have ramped up their attacks on me.”
“There’s been another?”
“Unsuccessful, obviously, but yes.”
He swore. “At Lugh’s?”
“No. Home. I went there this morning to collect my things and head to Lugh’s.”
There was a bit of a pause, suggesting he hadn’t missed the implication I’d stayed the night at Eljin’s. But all he said was, “As much as I hate to say it, it’s probably a good idea. Mathi can handle himselfanda weapon extremely well. How far away?”
“It’s over near Cheltenham way, so it means you’ll be away most of the afternoon.”
“That isn’t a problem.”
“But what about the council meeting? They won’t be happy about both you and Mathi missing it.”
“They want the people behind these thefts and the death caught, so again, it won’t be a problem. I’ll contact them now, give them an update, and send our apologies. When are we leaving?”