Page 18 of Vengeful Minds
Chapter 11
Thesoundofthedoor closing startles me enough to pull away from Royal. He cocks a grin at me, sweeping one hand along my face. His icy blue eyes rake over my body, taking in my current state and looking for any other signs of injuries. The last time he saw me, I’m sure it was unsettling, given that I had been shot and then went into a week-long coma.
I give him a second, knowing he needs to see for himself that I’m okay. I’m sure Lucky and Jax kept him updated, but Royal is compulsive. It must have been hard for him to just take them at their word.
Cassie clears her throat as she moves to the center of the room. “Hate to break up the love fest, but we need to talk about what just went down,” she says, taking out her phone, quickly typing out a message and sliding it back into her back pocket. “Shadow and Sinner are on their way, but Angel, I’m not sure if it’s safe here anymore.”
Lucky jumps to his feet. “What the fuck are you talking about? And why are you texting thing one and thing two?” he growls toward his sister, but she just rolls her eyes in response, which pisses him off more. He then swings his head around to look at me.
I spend the next few minutes filling in Lucky and Royal. They already made a fuss about me going to see Gabe, then some weirdo goes and fucks it all up. There’s lots of moaning, bitching, and plenty of I told you so’s throughout it all, but as soon as I finish Royal’s instinctive need for control kicks in.
Royal barks orders at everyone, sending Cassie to the nurses’ station to inform them I’ll be leaving immediately under ‘Cruz’s orders.’ I assume he thinks that will light a fire under their ass to hurry.
Royal and Lucky pack up my belongings and start making calls as we wait for Cassie to come back.
The seconds turn to minutes while the guys are busy on their phones. Dante hasn’t called with an update, but with the way he stormed out, I’m unsure if he would anyway. Meanwhile, I’m consumed with worry over Gabe. I know he’s a fighter, and whatever that guy did won’t be enough to kill him. The man has more lives than a cat and the resolve of a bull.
Trying to muster up all the optimism imaginable I decide to take Dante’s silence as a good sign. Hell, maybe the guy shot him with a dose of adrenaline and Gabe’s awake right now, and the two of them are bonding over the tragic events.
Yeah—that’s what I want, so I will manifest it until it’s true.
Look at me, being all sunshine and rainbows instead of doom and gloom. I’d pat myself on the back if my shoulder wasn’t still killing me. I’ve officially missed my first dose of pain meds, and the pain is creeping in, but it will all be worth it in the end.
Yep, sunshine and motherfucking rainbows.
Cassie walks in with a smile on her face while holding up a clear baggy with pill bottles inside of it. “Now, can we get the fuck out of here, please? I was paranoid as hell talking to that nurse, but you were right about name-dropping because as soon as I mentioned Cruz, her ass jumped out of her seat and got to moving,” she chuckles.
Royal looks concerned as he starts to speak. “I told a few guys to meet us here with a car and for backup to be on the safe side. They should be here shortly, and then we’ll go. I don’t like the idea of you getting on the back of a bike right now, Princess.”
Ladies and gentlemen,thatis why we’ve always let Royal take the lead. He thinks of everything that we don’t. I was ready to waltz out of here and pray to God that my body didn’t give out before we made it home, but my man’s got this figured out.
Throwing him a wink as my lips turn up in a smile just for him. He’s going to make a good President of the Reapers one day.
The next thing I know Dante and Jax burst through the doors, looking frantic.
Both of them have their guns drawn. Jax guards the door, peeking out to check the hallways as the rest of us are wide-eyed from the outburst.
“Fuck! We need an exit plan and fast,” he says to Royal, who immediately draws his own weapon and pulls out his phone. Dante crouches down, thrusting his hands in his hair, pulling in frustration.
“Shit just went sideways, real fucking fast,” Jax proclaims breathlessly.
“We shot a guy in the stairwell. He was following us, and I’m pretty sure there’s more of them,” Dante says, then turns to me with fear in his eyes. “My dad’s gone.”
“What the fuck do you mean gone!” I shout.
“Gone! Poof, disappeared, no fucking idea who took him or where they went.” He throws his hands up in the air. “When we got to his floor, the room was empty. Then Jax noticed a guy packing and another being suspicious while I was trying to find out where he was. Then we took off, and the guy chased us.”
Cassie chimes in, “Sinner just pulled into the parking garage in the basement. I told him to stay there, and we’ll meet him down there. Angel, he’s on his bike. Do you think you have the energy and strength to ride?”
Dante stands tall, straightening his shoulders. “She can ride in front of me. I’ll keep her safe. Cassie, stay with your brother until we get out of here. And everyone, watch your six. This guy looked like a regular Joe, not a club member.”
Everyone nods in agreement. Jax checks the hall and then motions for us to leave. My body is still weak, so I stay in the chair, careful not to exert too much energy in case I have to make a run for it and pray that I can hold it together long enough to make it out of here safely.
Chapter 12