Page 9 of Vengeful Minds
“Fight, Angel! Fucking fight! You don’t get to give up on us, now. Fight, damn it!”
This is a dream, right? Someone tell me this is a fuckin’ dream.
One nurse shouts, “Clear!” Everyone takes a step back as she places the paddles on Angel’s chest. Angel’s body jolts up from the bed at the intensity of the shock, but the long, drawn out sound from the machine tells me it didn’t work.
“Again!” the doctor shouts as the nurse puts the paddles back in place.
Angel’s body seizes from the hospital bed once more as the doctor and nurses try to revive her.
My heart actually stops beating. I can’t hear the thumping sound in my ears any longer. My body is tingling and cold, as if it’s going numb. I realize I’ve been holding my breath this whole time when Lucky shouts for me to breath as he grabs my shoulder and starts to shake me, trying to pull me from the trance that I’m currently in. My world has stopped. There’s no point in living if she isn’t here by my side. She’s the only light I have left in this world, and I can’t do this without her.
The loud sound coming from the machine changes to a short beep followed by another and another, filling the room, and my heart swells with pride. She’s relentless.
My girl has a heartbeat.
I exhale and run to her side, taking her hand in mine. The doctor and nurses are shouting at me to get back, but I can’t make out their words. My only focus is on the sound of her heart beating once again.
Angel lightly squeezes my hand as I throw my head back and look up. “Thank you,” I mumble under my breath, closing my eyes and dropping down into the chair beside her bed, never letting go of her hand. My heart is racing as I tell the nurses I felt her squeeze my hand. They try to convince me it was just a knee-jerk reaction to the defibrillator but I know better than that.
The nurses are still checking her over, but I refuse to let go of her.
“Sir, she really needs to get some rest now. Why don’t you two come back in a few hours or maybe in the morning?” She eyes me and Lucky, arching her brow. “Looks like you both could use some sleep yourselves.”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” Lucky replies, beating me to it. “There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than right here.” He grabs a chair and places it on the other side of Angel’s bed, giving the nurse little to no room to work. The lady looks frustrated but must realize there’s no point in arguing. We aren’t moving.
We send a group text to Brenda, Cassie, Royal, and Dante to let them know what’s going on with Angel. Royal responds, saying they have a lead on King and want to chase it down before returning to town.
Chapter 5
Angelisinandout of consciousness throughout the night as we continue to play the waiting game. Her body has had so much trauma there’s no telling when she’ll wake up but I’ll be right here when she does.
The first time she opened her eyes, Jax and I jumped out of our seats so fast with excitement that I think we scared her back to sleep.
I picked up the phone and called Brenda immediately to give her an update, and the next time Angel came to, Brenda was alongside us.
Angel was alert for a few minutes then back out, but even those few seconds of seeing her awake filled me with hope that she was coming back to us.
The nurses were in and out last night checking her vitals. She was breathing on her own, all of her vitals looked good and finally, they came in and took out her tubes.
Now all that she’s left with is an IV for her pain medicine and fluids.
The next morning Angel opens her eyes, scanning the room incessantly. Jax and I are still sitting beside the bed while Brenda is asleep on the pullout couch.
Angel looks around, dazed and confused. She starts to speak but ends up in a coughing fit. I hop up and grab her water, letting her coat her raw throat.
“Hey sunshine,” I say solemnly with a huge smile on my face. I gently run my hand down the side of her face, silently rejoicing in her recovery. She leans into my touch as she slowly drinks from the cup, smiling at me with her eyes. Angel is happy to see me too.
Man, I’ve missed her.
I’m on cloud nine right now, thinking of all the things we can do and ways we can celebrate. I find myself starting to plan out our future as I slink back in my chair and place her water back on the table. We have our whole lives ahead of us and I don’t want to waste a second of it.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, Trouble. You gave us quite the scare, you know,” Jax says, leaning forward over the bed.
Angel nods, “I was pretty sure I was a goner. How’d we get out of there? Did someone find us? Where’s Gabe?” she chokes out question after question frantically. Jax rubs the side of her head gently, as if she might break.