Page 15 of Reckless Love
“Damn right,” she laughs, hopping off the bed, and smacking my ass as she moves to Royal’s dresser to pull some clothes out.
Dante’s been exceptionally quiet, but I’m not going to push him any more than I already have. As long as he doesn’t start his shit again, he can process however he needs to.
My only relief in life has always come from being near Angel. I don’t expect his to be the same, seeing as she’s one of the reasons he’s having such a hard time.
Saving Gabriel must have been hard for him. Gabriel spent most of Dante’s life putting him through hell or acting like he didn’t exist.
Now finding out that King is really his father and also the one who killed his mother is a lot for anyone to take on. I may have pushed him to get over his shit with Angel, but I have a feeling he isn’t going to start moving on until King’s cold, dead body is six feet deep.
Something I’d like to see sooner rather than later.
The front door slamming startles me. “Stay with her,” I tell Dante as I head into the front room.
Two of the old timers, Axel and Chief, stand by the door as I enter the room.
“What the fuck happened here, kid?” Axel asks, pulling out a tarp from a bucket he carried in with him.
“More of King’s bullshit, I’d imagine,” Chief replies, helping Axel.
They step over and cover the body of the man Cassie shot. “Hope you brought more supplies than that. There’s another in the hall and one in the bedroom,” I tell them.
Their brows shoot up as they move to the hall. “You take them out by yourself, Jax?” Chief asks.
“My girl did.”
Their heads bob in shock. “Well I’ll be damned,” Axel chuckles as Angel and Dante step out of the room heading toward us.
“Quite the wildcat you have on your hands, boy. Better treat her right or they’ll be calling me to clean up the aftermath.” The two of them chuckle as I pull Angel into my arms. She wraps herself around me as I plant a kiss on her head.
“He treats me just fine. It’s this one I have to worry about,” Angel nods her head toward Dante. His hands shoot into the air.
“No need for any more bodies. We’ve had enough of that today. We’re going to have a hard enough time getting rid of the evidence as it is.” Chief slaps a hand across Axel’s chest. “Hope the pigs are hungry.”
“Starving,” he replies with a chuckle. “You Gabe’s kid?” Axel asks Dante.
He hesitates, “Yeah, I am.”
Angel tenses in my arms but then melts into me.
“Nice work getting him outta there today,” Axels says.
Dante doesn’t say anything, just shoves his hands in his pockets, looking uncomfortable as he nods.
“Never been a fan of the man myself, but we’ve been around long enough to remember how shit went down between Buddy, King, and Gabriel. It wasn’t the best look for the club, but no one bucked when the prez made a call. That’s on us, kid. Your mom and dad paid the price for that,” Axel rocks on his heels, but he’s man enough to look Dante in the eye and admit where the club went wrong.
“Your pops was always one of the good ones…Until we gave him a reason not to be,” Chief adds.
Angel spins around in my arms, waiting to see how Dante reacts. Hearing two old timers tell their version of what went down may help him cope.
“He was a shit father, but I can’t say I totally blame him anymore,” Dante says.
Angel’s chest deflates with a sigh.
“You were both dealt a shitty hand, boy. Let me be the first to say on behalf of the club, we’re all sorry for the part we played in it. King manipulated and deceived all of us. Now it’s time we return the favor.”
“Do you need us here for this?” I ask, trying to break up some of the heaviness floating in the air.
“Nah, we won’t be able to move them outta here until tonight. Y’all head out, we got this,” Axel says.