Page 45 of Reckless Love
Gabe stands as the room goes quiet. He takes my head in his palms, staring into my eyes. “The first opportunity you have, you take him out. No hesitation. Do you hear me?” I nod as a tear slides down my cheek.
He drops his hands, and I walk over to hug each of the guys, telling them everything will be fine.No more lies, Angel.I remind myself as the words spill from my lips.
“This is a horrible plan,” Dante yells, fisting his hair as I walk away from him.
“There’s no time for a plan, son.” Gabe looks at Dante with a sense of despair in his eyes that guts me to the core. “Leave five minutes after us. Make sure everyone is with you. We don’t know the kind of manpower he’ll have with him.”
Gabe takes my hand, leading me away. When we reach the door, I turn back to the guys. Each of them with a frown on their face and worry in their eyes. “I love you,” I say to them. “Never forget that. I’ve loved you my whole life, and I’ll love you even after I’m gone.”
I don’t give them a chance to respond. I spin on my heels and head out the door with Gabe following behind me.
We climb onto his bike, and I wrap my arms tightly around him, nuzzling my head into his leather-covered back. “I know I’ve never said it before…but I think I love you, Gabriel.”
He places his hands over mine pulling them up to his heart. “I think I love you too, Little Monster.”
My heart feels full, and if this is the way I go out, then I’m content with that.
The roar of Gabriel’s bike fills the air. “Now, let’s go show this fucker what we’re made of,” he says as he speeds off down the street.
Gabe hits the throttle, jetting us off at full speed and weaving through the city to our final destination. I throw my head back and let the wind kiss my skin as it flows through my air. The smell of salt hits my nose before I see it.
And when the ocean comes into view for the second time today, I’m filled with peace. The anxiety and sadness leave me instantly. I feel calm, even with the adrenaline pumping through my veins.
This is our town, and King has tormented it long enough.
Chapter nineteen
The bike slows as we approach the warehouse. My eyes scan the area around us. There’s nothing but a few abandoned looking warehouses. My anxiety kicks back in when I see the swarm of men surrounding it.
Twenty or more armed men watch as Gabriel pulls right up to them, throwing dust in the air.
Gabriel clutches my hand against his chest then releases it.
This is it. The men gather, forming a circle around us. They clearly aren’t the brightest bunch. We came on our own free will.
I say a silent prayer and take a deep breath. Gabriel hops off the bike first, then helps me to my feet. He pushes me behind him as he steps toward the men.
“He’s waiting for you,” one of the men says, signaling to the door. “Follow me.”
My gaze sweeps over them taking note of the guns they're carrying, a few AR’s, but mostly handguns and I hate to say it, but half of these guys look younger than me. More hired goons, no doubt.
Gabriel leans down, dropping a kiss to my forehead. “Stay behind me no matter what,” he whispers. I nod, following behind him, keeping a tight grip on his hand.
Adrenaline swirls in my veins. My skin starts to tingle, fear churning in my gut. There’s a big chance we might die today. I shake the thought away before I get lost in it.
“Deep breath,” Gabe whispers. I think he is talking to me, or he could easily be talking to himself at this point. I have no clue how he prepares himself for something like this.
We are walking into God knows what, outnumbered and outgunned. Fucking King.
I hate him.
I hate him for everything he’s done to us.
I take a deep breath as we enter the building. It’s cold, dark, and quiet. Too quiet. What little light we had from outside is now gone.
My chest rises rapidly. I try keeping my breath steady, but it’s no use. I’m scared. No, terrified.