Page 23 of Saved By The Grump
Aleks being in jail solved one problem, but I began to worry about how long I could stay here at the lodge. I couldn’t allow Zane or Harry to permanently foot the bill and there was no way I could pay for it.
After my breathing was under control, I spoke out loud and told myself, “It’s okay. You’re okay. We don’t have to leave tonight, and worrying about it won’t change anything, so make the best of this situation.”
I went back to the kitchen and finished making dinner. I had lost my appetite but enjoyed seeing Luca so excited. I noticed he had more pasta sauce on his face than on his plate, but in a small way, it made me feel better. Grabbing a napkin to wipe his face, I took a step back. Looking at my innocent child, my heartbeat, and my reason for living reminded me of what is important. Nothing else mattered but Luca.
Somehow, we would be okay. We would get through this together. We always had.
Chapter Seventeen
Thegalawasgoingwell, better than expected, and my date was perfect. Well, she was perfect for what I needed. She was gorgeous, polite, and could hold her own in this crowd. That was all I could ask of her, but even still, I found myself not caring one way or another when other men at the party started making eyes at the woman on my arm. For some reason, I couldn’t seem to get Katya out of my mind and that confused me. I told myself it was just because we spent the day together, that was all.
Yet, thoughts of her lingered as the night dragged on.
I spotted Chase not long after arriving at the party. He was standing near the bar and I nodded when he looked my way. Luckily, Melanie, my “date” was stopped soon after we came in by some women who wanted to ask about her dress so she was occupied for the time being. When I booked her services, I was only thinking about myself and not wanting to deal with the sympathetic looks I would receive for not having a date. Most of the guests knew about Sarah, and I didn’t want to deal with the barrage of questions and looks.
I’d rather have them gossip about who my date was than giving me sad, pitiful looks and whispering about how sorry they felt for me. Unfortunately, it hadn’t crossed my mind when I decided to bring a stranger with me that night, that I would need to entertain her since she wouldn’t know anyone else in attendance. I was only thinking of myself. I also hadn’t thought about how I’d answer if people started asking questions. It wasn’t like we prepared a backstory on the way over. It didn’t seem to matter though, because she was proving she was a professional and used to handling these types of situations. It was definitely not her first rodeo.
Since she was taken care of, I left her to the mercy of the gushing women and told her I would be at the bar.
“If you will excuse me, I am going to say hello to a friend at the bar. Is there anything I can get you?” I asked.
She smiled demurely and replied, “I would love a glass of white wine if it isn’t too much trouble.”
“No trouble at all,” I told her and made my way to Chase.
Chase was grinning like a Cheshire cat when I walked up. Smirking, he said, “Wow Zane, your date is smoking hot. Where did you meet her?”
I wasn’t in the mood to play along so in the nicest way possible I said, “Shut up Chase. You know damn well where I met her and I’d appreciate it if you’d keep it between us.”
He put his hands up in surrender. “Whoa. Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit a nerve. I was just trying to make a joke. She really is pretty damn hot though.”
I looked back at Melanie and then at Chase. “Thanks. Yeah, she is, but she is just a companion for the evening so I didn’t have to show up alone. If you remember correctly, I didn’t want to come at all, but when I decided to, I knew I wasn’t up for the circle of sharks that would surround me if I arrived alone, so I hired her. You know how these women love to gossip and I didn’t want to be the new item on the menu. In hindsight, I realize it was a stupid decision but what’s done is done,” I shrugged and leaned against the bar trying to get the bartender’s attention. I needed a drink. A strong one.
I should have known Chase wouldn’t be able to let it go and I saw the wheels spinning in his head. The twinkle in his eyes gave it away. Chase was a good friend, but even I had to admit he was something of a womanizer, so I was not surprised when he suggested I think about paying her for “extra services” not stated in the contract.
“I get that you just brought her to make the night more bearable, but since you have already hired her and technically, she is an escort, why don’t you take full advantage of what she has to offer?” he said, elbowing me in the side.
I rolled my eyes. “Chase, don’t even start.”
Smirking again he said, “Aw, c’mon, Zane. She’s an escort. We both know that’s a classy term for high-class hooker. All I am saying is if I were you, I would get my money’s worth.”
Melanie was gorgeous, there was no denying that, but I have never been into casual sex and I’ve never paid for it. Even when I was younger, I preferred to be in a relationship or at least know the woman before sleeping with her. I met Melanie less than an hour ago.
Shaking my head, I told him, “No, I don’t think so. Not really my style if you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, Man, I know. I’m just saying think about it. I know it has only been six months, but I also know you aren’t ready to date. Sleeping with her would take care of your “needs” so to speak without any emotional tangles to contend with,” Chase said.
It made sense when I looked at it from that angle, but I still didn’t think I could do it. I also didn’t want to. And there was no way I was going to tell Chase about the petite platinum-blonde woman who seemed to be occupying my thoughts. He’d have a field day with that. Thinking of Katya made me want the evening to end so I could get back to the lodge. I didn’t know why. It wasn’t like she was waiting for me, but I was overwhelmed with the desire to see her.
Wanting to end the conversation, I looked at him and appeased him by saying, “Maybe you’re right. I don’t know, but I will think about it, okay?” I slammed my whiskey and motioned for another.
The bartender refilled my glass and I grabbed it and then remembered to order my date her glass of wine. With both drinks in hand, I told Chase I would be back. I needed to take Melanie her drink. I might not want to spend time with her, but I did not want to be rude. Maybe Chase was right. Maybe I should consider exploring all of her “services.” It has been a while. If I drank more, maybe I would get the courage to change my mind.
The rest of the night went by flawlessly and no one but Chase had a clue who Melanie really was. But I did, and I couldn’t get past it. I wasn’t judging her. Hell, I was the one who hired her. Throughout the night she had alluded to being open to providing “more” should I be interested, but I wasn’t. I wanted to be and I tried, but even the liquor didn’t help change my mind. I was sure that despite her profession she was a lovely person, but I just couldn’t bring myself to pay for sex. When we returned to the lodge, I ordered her an Uber and thanked her for a nice evening before giving her a generous tip, and telling her goodnight.
It was after midnight when I got home so I walked quietly into the suite, expecting to find Katya asleep. I’d told her she could take the kids to her suite if she wanted, but she insisted on staying here. She explained that it was important to keep Kenlee on a consistent routine, especially now that she was starting to sleep better. She also pointed out that it would be World War III trying to get Luca away from his new toys that I had bought him. To my surprise, she was still awake when I came in. Looking around, I realized that she had cleaned and straightened while I was gone.