Page 13 of Just One Night
Fuck. She has apoint.
Lauren interrupts us by walking back into the living room and holds both hands in the air. “Don’t get pissed at me, but, Willow, take my bed. I can’t have a pregnant chick crashing on mycouch.”
A slight smile hits Willow’s lips. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ll be fine.” The smile collapses when her attention goes to me. “As long as it’squiet.”
That’s Willow—accommodating everyone else and always putting herself last inline.
“You sure?” Lauren asks, and Willow nods. “Okay, let me know if you change your mind or need anything.” She tells us good night and goes back to herbedroom.
“What are you doing?” Willow asks when I grab a blanket and pillow from acloset.
I throw them on the floor next to the couch. “You’re exhausted. I’m exhausted. Let’s get some rest and talk in themorning.”
“You have a bedat your home.Go sleep init.”
I squat down and fluff the pillow. “I’m crashing here. End of discussion. I can’t risk you sneaking out on me in the middle of the night and flying thousands of miles away before talking. We’ll be having a conversation about thistomorrow.”
She sends me one last glare before shifting on her side and giving me a view of her back. I switch off the light and make myself as comfortable as I can, resting my arms behind my head and staring at theceiling.
A baby with anotherwoman.
I fight every day to hold Maven and myself together. How am I going to dothis?
It’ll be a struggle, but I’ll figure itout.
I made Lucy a promise to be a good man, and I plan on keepingit.
Chapter Five
Three Months Ago
The good peopleof Blue Beech visit the Down Home Pub for threereasons:
#1: Toforget.
#2: To feelalive.
#3: A live band is playing, and they don’t have shit else todo.
I’m numberone.
It’s a hole in the wall, the only bar in the county, and it has been here longer than I’ve been alive. It’s not fancy, and it doesn’t carry top-shelf shit, but I feel more comfortable here than any upscale club inLA.
I’ve been a regular since my twenty-first birthday, but in the past ten months, I’ve become almost a part-time resident the two days a week I don’t have Maven. My parents demand they get plenty of time with their only grandchild. I tend to come during the week when the people who don’t like conversation arehere.
It’s a full house tonight, which is why I didn’t want to come. I hate crowds. Hate the flashes of pity men give me after sucking down another shot of cheap whiskey. Hate the women who take turns coming over with the belief that food and attention will healme.
A fucking casserole isn’t going to restore this empty soul ofmine.
I walked into the bar to find Lauren and Willow sitting at a table in the back. Lauren ordered a round for everyone and did her best to get us to get up and socialize, but neither one of us was having it. Willow eventually convinced her to bail on us and have fun on the dancefloor.
My sister goes overboard when she tries to pep me up and give me a goodtime.