Page 48 of Just One Night
He shakes his head. “Nah, Stella is bringing mefood.”
“Ah, yeah. Forgot about your little lunch dates.” I smirk. “Cute kids, you. Reminds me of when I was in third grade, trying to convince Lucy to kiss me by bringing her pieces of Mom’s pie on theplayground.”
“Asshole.” He throws his towel at me and slides off a stool. “Want to join us? She brings enough to feed anarmy.”
He returns to putting all of his tools up, and I snap my fingers to gain hisattention.
“And don’t forget, we have the auction tomorrow. What time do you want me to pick you up?” Iask.
That gets his full attention. “Shit, I forgot about the auction.” He narrows his eyes at me. “Now that you bring it up, I told you I couldn’tgo.”
“Nice try, jackass. I would remember you trying to bail because I wouldn’t have let you. They have an excavator going through that I know we can get a kick-ass dealon.”
We’re in the process of expanding the family business my grandfather started decades ago. Our dad is ready to retire after twenty-five years and wants us to takeover.
“I have plans withStella.”
He runs a hand through his hair, which is lighter and longer than mine. All of us Barnes children look alike with a few exceptions. I don’t sport as much facial hair as Hudson. I’m convinced he does it to hide his jaw since mine is stronger than his, but he won’t admit it. He argues that the few inches he has on my height counts for more than good bonestructure.
“Your fiancé will be fine without you for aday.”
“She’ll be fine … because I’ll be with her. Go alone. You’re a bigboy.”
I frown. “It’s an eight-hour roundtrip.”
“It’ll give you time toreflect.”
“Reflection and I aren’t a good match. Trust me.” I fucking hate being in myhead.
He winces, shocked at my response, and I’m positive I’ve won this discussion. “Ask Willow to tagalong.”
And I’mwrong.
“She can hardly stand spending twenty minutes around me at a doctor’s appointment. I doubt she’ll be jumping at the idea of a roadtrip.”
He shrugs, his mouth curving into a sly smile. “Looks like we’re about to findout.”
“The fuck does thatmean?”
I whip around at the sound of a door slamming. The shop is twenty minutes out of town. The only people who come around are employees, customers, and us. I like it—the quietness, thepeace.
I follow Hudson out of the garage to find Stella coming our way while holding up abag.
“Lunchtime!” she yells, stomping across the gravel parkinglot.
Willow circles the car, slowly dragging her feet in our direction, making it clear she’d rather be anywhere buthere.
Hudson slaps me on the back. “Would you look at that, brother? Perfect timing.” He jogs forward to meet Stella halfway and plants a kiss on herlips.
I follow his lead but trail a few feet behind in hopes of sparing myself from their lovesickhellos.
I’m a miserable bastard, but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy for my baby brother. He went through a messy-ass breakup. His ex fucked him over by screwing his best friend and used their scheduled wedding date to marry the so-called friend. Hudson ditched town, took over my job as Stella’s bodyguard, and somehow convinced her to fall in love withhim.
“I’m starving, babe,” he tells her with another kiss. “Did you bring enough for my pain-in-the-assbrother?”
Stella throws me a look with a smile. “Sure did. I also brought a friend.” Her chin tips toward Willow when she makes it to us. “Do you two know each other?” She slaps her knees. “My bad, you knocked herup.”