Page 50 of Just One Night
“Asking the woman behind the counter at the doughnutshop.”
I lean against the wall. “And what did shesuggest?”
“Hot chocolate, decaf green tea, and passion fruit something.” He counts off the list with his fingers. “I have no damn clue what the last option was, but she said health nuts have been going crazy over it. Thought I might as well give it ago.”
His answer is soDallas.
“Green tea for one then,please.”
He frowns. “Well …fuck.”
“I didn’t take you as a green-tea lover, so I chugged it down on the wayhere.”
“A green-tea lover?I don’t see you as one either, considering you once told me not liking coffee was anabomination.”
“It truly is.” I keep staring at him until his lips crack into a smile. “I’m only fucking with you. Green tea is in the middle cup.” He snags the doughnuts. “We’ll eat on the way. Let’s hit theroad.”
* * *
“I like the shirt today,”Dallassays.
We’ve been on the road for about an hour and have covered the weather, the latest news, our ideas for where Stella and Hudson should get married, and what the best movie that came out this yearwas.
Everything but babytalk.
Which I’m totally okaywith.
I pull at the bottom of myYou Had Me at Tacostee. Graphic tees are my thing. “I thought I’d give you a hint of what we’re having forlunch.”
“Can we delay that until dinner? There aren’t that many stops on the way, and I doubt any of them serve qualitytacos.”
I nod. “I can settle fordinner.”
It’s not like I have anywhere to be. It’s either hang with him or sit, bored, in my apartment. You can only watch so much Netflix before you’re ready to pull your hairout.
“I’ll find you the best damn tacos you’ve ever had for tagging along today.” He grins while peeking over at me. “I woke up this morning, expecting a text from you,bailing.”
I cast a curious glance from my seat. “Disappointed Ididn’t?”
“Hell no. I told you I’d enjoy thecompany.”
I study his driving position. He’s leaned back in the seat, right arm stretched out and steering. It comes across so casual, so laid-back, and I never thought I’d be so turned on by the way a mandrove.
“What made you change yourmind?”
His question smacks me out of my eye-fucking-him moment. “A change of scenery soundednice.”
He chuckles, faking offense. “Not thecompany?”
I bite the side of my lip. “I haven’t decided on thatyet.”
“I admire your honesty and pledge to give you the time of your life, so you can make that decision at the end of this trip. The drive is beautiful. We won’t hit any of that bullshit LA traffic you’re usedto.”
“How long are wetalking?”
Now that I think about it, I should’ve asked more questions before jumping into his truck. It seems I have a habit of jumping into things with this man without considering what could happenfirst.