Page 60 of Just One Night
“Dinner is served,” Dallas announces when I walk out. “It didn’t take them long to microwaveit.”
I laugh. “Gourmet ramen at itsfinest.”
He scoots out the desk chair, so I can sit down, and he places the corn dog, French fries, and the Styrofoam bowl of noodles in front ofme.
“I lived off this stuff when I moved to LA and was looking for a job. Hell, even after I found a job, I ate it more than I should have because I was lazy.” I grin and kick his foot when he sits down on the bed. “Meanwhile, your lucky ass got to live in Stella’s guest suite that was complete with a gourmetchef.”
He hooks his thumb toward his bowl. “This might be giving him some competition, and don’t act like Stella didn’t invite you to move in everymonth.”
“That’s true, but I wanted my own place, you know? My own space. Believe it or not, I’m an introvert atheart.”
Stella also despised Brett, and they couldn’t be in the same room for five seconds without wanting to rip each otherapart.
“Makes two of us. Lucy was the extrovert to my introvert. She could make conversation with anyone in the room. Me? I was cool with standing to the side and people-watching.”
I stiffen in my seat.Lucy.Her name always sends a bolt of mixed emotions throughme.
Guilt from sleeping with Dallas. Jealousy that she was the one he adored, the woman he loved and shared a bed with without freaking out in themorning.
I nod and slurp a noodle into my mouth, attempting to appear relaxed. Dallas sets his bowl on the nightstand and slides to the edge of the bed until he’s only inches from me. I slurp my noodles louder and faster, sounding obnoxious, and act like I don’t notice how close heis.
He stays quiet until I swallow down my bite. “I was in a dark placethen.”
I drop my spoon into the bowl. “What?”Why is he bringing this up? Abort mission.Please.
“That morning. Hell, formonths.”
I fish the spoon out of the bowl, and my heart sinks at the pained expression on hisface.
“Sometimes, I still am.” He scrubs his hand over his face. “Sorry for sneaking this shit on you after the nightmare of a day we’ve had, but I can tell it bothers you when I mentionher.”
It’s only fair I’m honest back. “Hearing her name makes me feelguilty.”
He pats the space next to him, and I take the invitation, sliding between the small space between us and sit down next tohim.
“If anyone should feel guilty, it’s me,” hesays.
“I obviously played a part init.”
He didn’t fuckhimself.
“And today was not a nightmare. I enjoyed myself,” Iadd.
“You don’t have to lie to make me feelbetter.”
I smack his arm. “You know I wouldn’t lie about that. I’ll take every chance I can to bust yourballs.”
“Point made. I enjoyed myself, too. To be honest, lately, the only time I seem to be in a happy place is when I’m with you.” He lets out a heavy breath. “You took me out of my stressed out, broken world and gave me a good day. Same with the night we spent together. I like myself when I’m with you. I forget about the loss and the hurt. You make me feel aliveagain.”
I nod. He misses Lucy and will always miss her but is opening up a portion of himself for me todiscover.
No, stop. Red light. Don’t drag me down this tunnel if it ends inhurt.
Why can’t I think straight? I need to think with my head, not myheart.