Page 7 of Just One Night
I don’t let the tears fall until I see hisback.
I’m not this overly sensitivechick.
These hormones are messing with my hard-asspersona.
I brush them away, sniffling, and dash toward the exit. I need to get out of here and away from these people. I need silence, a moment to sulk about how I made a stupid decision for the millionthtime.
I’m almost out the door when I nearly trip on my feet. My arm is grabbed, and I’m pulled down a dimly lit hallway. I attempt to swat the connection away, but it doesn’t work, and I’m not released until we land in a small utilityroom.
“What in the flying fuck is going on with you?” Stella demands, crossing her arms. “And don’t you dare try to feed me some new diet bullshit. Diets don’t make youcry.”
“Nothing,” I stutter out, wiping my warm cheeks in an attempt to rid myself of theevidence.
“Bullshit.” She pauses, waiting for me to let out my secret, but I stand my ground. “I’ll keep us in here all night.” She narrows her smoky eyes my way. “Do you want to be blamed for keeping a girl away from her engagementparty?”
Guilt trips. Stella excels at givingthem.
“I’ll tell you later. Ipromise.”
She shrugs, pops a squat on the carpeted floor, and stretches out herlegs.
I let out a dramatic breath. “Fine.But you have to promise, it won’t leave thisroom.”
“All of your secrets are safe with me. Always havebeen.”
“This is bigger than hacking into Brett’s phone or when I pissed myself after we drank too many Skinnygirlmargaritas.”
“You could’ve killed Brett, and I wouldn’tblab.”
“Jesus, Willow,didyou kill thebastard?”
My heart thunders in my chest. I’m on the verge of passing out, so I sit down across from her. I can’t take these words back. The secret won’t be mine any longer, and she’ll be thrown into a difficultposition.
“Someone you care about will get hurt if I tellyou.”
Her voice fills with worry as she hunches forward. “Is it about Hudson?” She relaxes when I shake my head. “Then, what isit?”
“I’m pregnant.” The words feel heavy when they fall from my lips for the firsttime.
She silently stares at me, stunned at my response, and then her face brightens with fake excitement. “That’s great! Congratulations.” She’s won an Emmy, but even she can’t fake enthusiasm about this. “I didn’t know you were back withBrett.”
Brett. My asshole of an ex who’s out on bail and awaiting trial after driving drunk and hitting a family offour.
“We’re not. I haven’t seen him since we brokeup.”
“Then, who’s thefather?”
I wait for her to come up with the answer, so I don’t have to give it toher.
Her mouth drops open, a gasp escaping her. “Holy shit. Dallas is thefather?”
“Yep, and I don’t know what todo.”
“I take it, you haven’t shared the news withhim?”