Page 70 of Just One Night
His jaw twitches, and his eyes are downcast on me. I suck in a breath. “I’m trying, trust me. I’m fucking trying for you.” We’re so close, I can feel his heart beating against my chest. “You’ve opened up what I feared for months. It doesn’t seem as fucking scary, exploring withyou.”
* * *
I pointmy fork at my plate. “This is delicious.” Screw those fancy taco joints. Dallas Barnes kills anything they serve. “Seriously, the best guacamole I’ve everhad.”
He showed me how to make it step by step. I’m in charge of taco night nexttime.
“Told you I knew my way around a kitchen,” he says proudly and then takes a drink ofwater.
I offered to run upstairs and grab a beer from Lauren’s fridge for him. Tacos always taste better with beer. He wouldn’t let me because it wasn’t right for him to drink when Icouldn’t.
“How was work today? Stella drill you about our trip?” heasks.
Yep, drilled me as hard as his tongue did in the shower.I give him my bestduhimpression, and helaughs.
“Hudson pulled the same shit withme.”
“They’re more invested in our relationship than their own.” I scrunch up my face. “I can’t blame them though. I did the same thing withthem.”
“I’ll admit, it’s fun when you’re on the other side.” He tilts his water glass my way. “Did I thank you for the company the night we got them backtogether?”
A while back, Stella and Hudson broke up after the tabloids went after their relationship. I called Dallas, and we set up a plan to get them back together. It worked, and Hudson and Dallas flew to New York to surpriseher.
I didn’t want to be a cockblock during their making up, so I hung out in the lobby. That was where Dallas found me. We spent the night tasting food at every food cart, and I showed him my favorite spots in TimesSquare.
“You gave me my first good night in a while,” he says. “No matter how shitty I’m feeling, you seem to always bring me back to the light.” He runs his hand over his jaw. “Since we’re talking about fixing relationships, about lastnight…”
“I know, I know. It was a mistake,” I rush out, sensing his regret.Did he make tacos to soften up the blow?“We were tired, not thinking clearly, hornyagainbecause we hadn’t been laid inmonths.”
“Whoa, hold up. I wasn’t tired, and my mind was crystal clear.” He stretches his shoulders back and grins. “Although you hit the nail on the head with the hornypart.”
What’s hesaying?
“I didn’t eat your pussy last night just to get off. I don’t do pity sex or pityoralsex.” His tone turns serious. “In fact, I thought my sex life was over, but then you sat your perky ass across from me at the bar with your sexy-as-hell red hair pulled back to show off your contagious smile.” He chuckles and leans in to rest his elbows on the table. “So, let’s quit using the horny-and-not-thinkingexcuse.”
Why do my words always come back to bite me in the ass?I’m judging him for pushing me away yet doing thesame.
“In case you forgot, I was there in the morning,” hecontinues.
“’Cause you werestranded.”
Why can’t I stop pulling away?Rejection still scaresme.
“That was part of the reason, yes, but the other wasyou.”
“Good. So, we can confirm we’re both sexually attracted to each other. Maybe we should explore that and leave our feelings to the side fornow.”
“You want this to only be aboutsex?”
“You sure aboutthat?”
We’ll screw for now and get each other out of our systems. In my head, I want to believe the only reason I’m pursuing him is that he gives me the best orgasms I’ve ever had. I want sex, and then we can worry about a relationship later. The opposite of what I was taught as a kid, butwhatever.
He wipes his mouth, throws the napkin on his plate, and gets up from the chair. “Let’s see if I can change your mind.” He holds his hand out tome.