Page 91 of Just One Night
Stepping foot in his house again is something I’ve been putting off even though he’s invited me countlesstimes.
I take in a breath.I have to get over this fear,right?
There’s no way I would’ve gotten away with it for too much longer. At least it won’t be in front of Dallas in case I have a panicattack.
* * *
“Hello. You must be Willow,”the older woman behind the desk greets me when I walk through the front door and into the lobby. “Dallas said you’d be picking up Maven.” She picks up the phone and tells the teacher I’mhere.
I look up at the sound of heels coming down the hallway. I recognize the woman from Maven’s birthday party but don’t recall seeing her again after the pregnancyoutburst.
She stops in front of us and rests her hands on Maven’s shoulders. “Hi, Willow.” She gives me a red-lipped smile and holds out her hand. “I’m Mrs. Lawrence, Maven’steacher.”
“She’s my aunt Beth,” Mavencorrects.
I freeze up and blink a few times, noticing the similarities between her and Maven … and Lucy. Mrs. Lawrence—Beth—squeezes Maven’sshoulders.
She nods. “That I am.” Her voice turns soothing. “I’m Lucy’ssister.”
I shake her hand. “It’s nice to meetyou.”
Damn, Dallas has thrown me so many curveballs today, I’m dizzy. I’m meeting the sister of his dead wifeandgoing to the house he shared with saidwife.
“She’s had a fever for the past hour. Thank you for picking her up. It seems everyone is busy or out of town today, and I couldn’t find a sub to come in forme.”
“It’s fine. I was, uh …”Getting a nursery together for my babies with Dallas.“Off worktoday.”
“I feel no good, and I’m sleepy,” Maven whines, rubbing hereyes.
Beth kisses her cheek before releasing her. “Get some rest, sweetie.” Her attention moves to me. “Please ask Dallas to keep me updated, and don’t hesitate to call if she needsanything.”
I nod, pressing the back of my hand against Maven’s forehead. She’swarm.
I help Maven into the backseat of my car, and she falls asleep the first few minutes into the short drive to Dallas’s house. Even though I haven’t been back inside of the house since that night, I know where it is. We’ve driven by it dozens of times, and Maven has pointed it out tome.
I admire the large white farmhouse he restored years ago. There are large gray shutters on each side of the windows and planters under the ones next to the front door. It’s perfectly landscaped with bright pink roses and daisies. It’s a beautifulhome.
The key is under the planter, like he said, and I follow Maven through the frontdoor.
“Mommy and Daddy always let me sleep in their big bed when I no feel good,” she says, stomping down the hallway. “It’s right downhere.”
Oh, honey, I know where itis.
I gulp when she opens the door. This is the moment of truth where I find out if I can go forward with Dallas or if I can’t get over him loving another woman. This is where I find out if I’m a quick screw because he’s horny. You don’t have to love someone. Hell, you don’t even have to like them to fuckthem.
The familiar whitewashed wood bed sits in the middle of the large master bedroom. The plaid comforter is the same as it was that night. The scent in the room smells like him. Nothing has changed. My hands are on the verge of shaking as I help Maven into thebed.
That’s when I seeit.
The picture of him and Lucy on the nightstand. There’s another of Lucy by herself on the other nightstand. Her … or another woman’s perfume is sitting on the dresser next to a white jewelry box with her name branded on the front. There’s a chair in the corner with a woman’s sweater draped overit.
Was thatLucy’s?
Or is it ChickenChick’s?
“Will you put on cartoons for me?” Maven asks with ayawn.