Page 94 of Just One Night
I turn off the TV and do a once-over of theroom.
Then, a twice-over.
Willow didn’t run because she wassick.
I wasright.
She ran because Lucy waseverywhere.
Chapter Thirty-Five
Even though Idon’t know where I’m going, I packed an overnight bag. All I’m sure of is, I need to get out of Blue Beech for a minute and clear myhead.
Is it sad that Lucy’s stuff upsetme?
I’ve been second best to Stella for years. Her assistant. The second choice to hang out with and only when someone wants to get closer to her. People have looked past me to see the celebrity. I can handle not being the star in the spotlight, but being second place in someone’s heart isn’t anoption.
My SUV’s sunroof is open. The music is up while I drive down a deserted road. I didn’t turn on my GPS. I’m just driving. I’m blurting out the words to my favorite song when a sharp pain shoots through me, causing me to buckle forward. I swerve to the side of the road when another one hits me just seconds later. Tears well in my eyes, and the pain overtakes me. This isn’t a baby kicking or morningsickness.
It’s somethingelse.
Something I haven’t beenexpecting.
Something I haven’t readabout.
Something notnormal.
I dump the contents of my purse out in the passenger seat to find my phone and then power iton.
Please have service. Please haveservice.
One bar. All I have is onebar.
I dial the three digits as tears start crawling down mycheeks.
“Nine-one-one, what’s youremergency?”
“My name …” My voice trembles, and I struggle to come up with the right words. “My name is Willow Andrews. I was driving.” I stop and double over, holding my stomach and groan. “I’m pregnant and having severe abdominalpain.”
“Okay, ma’am,” the woman says on the other side. “Do you know yourlocation?”
I urgently search for a street sign, mile marker, anything that can help them.Nothing.
“I … I’m not sure. There’s hardly any traffic.” I open the Maps app on my phone to get the exact location and recite it toher.
“Thank you. We have an ambulance on the way. Stay with me, okay? Take deep breaths, Willow. Are you experiencing anybleeding?”
I’m sobbing louder. “I’m not sure.” I’m not proud of this, but I dip my hand into my panties and gasp when I drag it back out. There’s not much of it, but it’s there. And it’s brightred.
Tears fall down my facefaster.
“You doing okay, Willow?” sheasks.
“Yes,” I croak out, the words barely audible. “Yes, I’mbleeding.”
I should hang up and call Dallas. Call Stella. Call my mom.Somebody.