Page 21 of Just Exes
“My tab, man.”
Just as I said, you never fail to run into someone you hate.
And what’s up with everyone offering to buy my drinks?This chick buys her own drinks. Period.
The smile I had for Maliki slips, and the headache from earlier is creeping back in.
“Really?” I grumble. I don’t have to look to know who it is. Not only do I recognize his voice, but I also recognize the smell of him, the heat of his body brushing against mine. “Maliki, do not add it to his tab. I don’t accept favors from douche lords.”
“Can’t have a homeless woman buying her drinks,” Gage throws back.
I give him a glassy stare when I finally turn to look at him and blow out a series of breaths. He’s wearing a blue button-up flannel and what appears to be jeans, but I can’t exactly shove away the person behind me, blocking half of him from my view. A light scruff still covers his cheeks, and I wonder if that’s his everyday look now. It saddens me that I’m not sure if every change in him is recent or if he’s been doing it for years and it’s only new to me.
Maliki holds his palms up and breaks my attention from Gage. “The nightly goal of every bartender is not dealing with patrons’ drama.” He snaps his fingers and points to me. “Something strong is coming your way.” His focus moves to Gage. “You two work your soap-opera shit out before I come back.”
“I think this proves you are stalking me,” I grumble to Gage.
He rests his elbow on the bar and leans against it, facing me. “It’s a small town, Dyson. Get used to seeing me around.”
“Small town, my ass. You’ve been here for weeks without us running into each other. Now, all of a sudden, you’re everywhere. I’m not about to become a star ofDateline.Everyone loved Lauren … and her ex-boyfriend loved her a little too much.” I wisp my hand through the air. “Blah, blah, blah.”
“Again, don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart. I had no idea you’d be here tonight.” He gestures to the door. “I can leave if it’ll make you more comfortable.” He lowers his gaze on me. “Or we can leave and fuck our hate toward each other away.”
Maliki slid some blue concoction in front of me at the same time Gage said those words. His eyes wide, Maliki holds his hands up while retreating backward and walking away.
I shyly look away and catch my breath before managing to give Gage a cold stare while hating myself for the excitement rushing through me at the idea ofhate fucking. I rub my legs together to ease the sudden tension.
Sex with Gage was incredible when we were younger. I can only imagine what it’s like with him now that he’s older and more experienced.
Damn. The mood is ruined now that I’ve thought about him with other women.
I turn around and lean back against the bar, my drink in my hand. “Screw you. You can stay. I don’t want to be blamed for your lack of getting laidagain.”
He raises a brow. “That an offer?”
“Absolutely not. That’s a kind way of saying,Stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours. You’re right. We’re going to see each other. Let’s not make a big deal about it during every encounter, okay?”
“I heard you were back in town, brother.”
I freeze at the sound and sight of Derrick Howard, the man I lied about sleeping with. He slaps Gage on the back while smiling at him.
“Let me buy you a drink,” he goes on.
Gage pulls away from him in disgust. “I’d recommend not touching me,brother.”
“What?” Derrick asks around a confused laugh before slapping his leg. “Come on, man. It’s been nearly a decade. Let’s bury that high school rivalry shit.”
Gage tilts his beer toward me with what sounds like a growl coming from his throat. “It’s not done when you’re fucking her. When it comes to Lauren, it’ll never be done.”
Derrick looks at me in confusion. “What is he talking about? We barely speak.”
“Nothing,” I answer, and I grab Gage’s arm. “We need to talk in private.”