Page 69 of Just Exes
“Maybe he thought he really did smell.” She laughs while lifting Samuel up, smelling his diaper. “Maybe my little guy here had a dirty diaper, and he thought it was himself.”
“Does he have a dirty diaper?”
She frowns. “Negative.”
I blow out a long breath. “He just randomly shut down. I don’t know what happened.”
She plops back down in her seat. “Did you ask if he wanted a shower mate?”
A snort leaves me. “Really?”
“What? Sometimes, sex helps to figure out problems. He also might feel more open to discussing personal stuff post-orgasm.”
I scrunch up my nose. “You want me to sex-manipulate him into sharing secrets?”
“Wouldn’t hurt to try. Plus, shower sex is the best sex.”
“Shut up,” I whisper, standing up and snagging Samuel from her. I lower my voice and cover his ears. “There are baby ears in here, and ew, I’d rather not listen to you divulge anything sex-related about my big bro.”
She points to Samuel and laughs. “That little nugget heard sex talk hotter than that when he was hanging out in my womb.”
“Ugh, you’ve now been demoted to my second favorite brother-dater.” I rock Samuel back and forth as an attempt not to assume the worst why Gage bailed on me. “Do you think this was his plan all along? For us to have sex, for him to draw my feelings for him back out, and then dump me like I did him?”
“I’m not the best person to answer that question, considering I don’t know your history and all. Maybe talk to your brothers and get an opinion from a male mindset.” Her tone is now soothing, like she’s trying to put Samuel to sleep, but instead, I know it’s an attempt to make me feel better after Gage’s rejection.
“Yeah, not talking to my brothers about my sex life.”
“It’s worth a try. They went through a tough time that forced them to push the people they loved away from them. Maybe they can provide insight into what could be going through Gage’s head.”
* * *
During my ridewith Willow to my parents’ house, I had to stop myself from pulling out my phone and reaching out to Gage countless times. The fear of coming off too needy is what stopped me. Call it pride, but I can’t be the woman who fights for a man who doesn’t want her.
Good thing I didn’t give my mom a heads-up that Gage was coming. Otherwise, I would’ve been answering questions while I watched her work around the kitchen as she waved away all my requests to help her. The only job she gives me is setting the table and laying out the food in her perfect spread. Every dish has the same place it’s had for years.
“Lauren, honey,” my mom says next to me, mid-dinner, “you’ve been so busy. I feel like I haven’t had the time to talk to you about where you’re staying.”
“Correction: you haven’t had the time to interrogate her,” my dad chimes in, resulting in a death glare from her.
“Did you find another rental?” she continues.
Dallas snorts. “Sure, if you count Gage’s being her landlord.”
I throw a dinner roll across the table at him. “Shut up, big mouth!”
My mother is weakly attempting to hold back her grin. “Have you two gotten back together?”
I take a long drink of lemonade before answering her while all eyes are on me, even Maven’s. “Nope. Amos had the loft up for rent, and it was my only option until I find something else.”
“You’re roommates then?” my dad asks, his face unreadable.
“No, he’s staying in the main house with his dad.”
My mom straightens out the napkin on her lap and isn’t camouflaging her smile any longer. “I think it’s just wonderful that you two are spending time together again. His coming home was a great surprise to all of us.”
Now is the time to take advantage of my mom’s gossiping ways. If I can’t pull it out of Gage, maybe she can give me even a crumb. Anything will do at the moment because, right now, I feel like I’m fighting against the unknown.
“Mom,” I say, setting my fork down, “do you know why he moved back, by chance?”