Page 19 of Just Neighbors
He pulls it away when I go to grab it.
“I’ve got this,” I say in a demanding tone. I try to snatch it from his hand but with no success. “You saidIowed you breakfast.”
“Did I?” He fakes confusion and scratches his head. “I thought I said I’d take you to breakfast.”
I push my hand out further. “Give me the damn bill.”
“How about … no?” He pulls out his wallet and drags out a fifty without bothering to glance at the bill. “Keep the change,” he says, handing it to the waitress.
She gives him a girlie smile I would’ve given every Backstreet Boy in my day. “Thank you so much, Kyle.”
He smiles in return—not in a disturbing,I like to creep on younger girlsway, but more of a genuine one. “You’re welcome.”
What gives?
Why would he tip a pre-algebra student so much money?
The waitress skips away in excitement, and I scoff.
He flinches. “What?”
“Look at you, Mr. Dreamy Eyes Keep the Change.”
“Mad I’m not making dreamy eyes at you?” He inches forward. “I’m not hitting on her. Her father walked out on the family a few weeks ago. Her mother works here as well, and they’re barely making ends meet. If an extra tip helps them out, then I’ll give her an extra tip.”
I hate that this turns me on. “That’s, uh … very nice of you.”
“Again, I’ve tried to tell you that I’m a nice guy. Let me know when you’re done lying to yourself.”
I roll my eyes. “Okay, okay, you’resuch a nice guy, Kyle. There’s no other man nicer than you. When people tell tales about this century, you’ll be the man they call thenicest.You will be put in history books as Mr. Nice Guy.”
He grins. “Quit giving me the sarcastic attitude, Chloe. It makes me want you more.”
My stomach flutters, and my gaze on him softens.
God, why do I have to hate this man?
Why can’t he stay Voldemort evil?
I push my coffee up the table and set my napkin next to it. “I need to get to work. We’ve shared a meal. Now, we’re even.”
He shakes his head and clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Wrong. We’re nowhere near even.”
“The hell?” I do a sweeping gesture of me in the booth. “This was my payback.”
“No. Breakfast was for me driving you home. You still owe me for dealing with your puking ass. Three shared meals in return for my kindness.”
“Are you kidding me?” I yelp. “You never mentioned there were numerous debts owed.”
He bites into his lower lip in humor. “I must’ve forgotten that part.”
I throw my arms up and then drop them to my sides. “I don’t have time to play games with you. I have a job to get to.”
“Second order of business: as previously discussed, no digging up information on people I care about. Promise me.”
So, this is why I’m getting nice Kyle.
Duh. He’s not doing this for no reason.