Page 58 of Just Neighbors
“Chloe,” he says, taking a hesitant step forward.
I bend down at the waist and catch my breath while holding my hand out to stop him. “You stay away from me.”
“Let me explain.”
“No. You’re like the rest of them.”
I push him, and while he catches his step, I take off running in the opposite direction. I go this way to school every day, so I can walk it with my eyes closed. When I hear his steps and voice still calling my name, I duck behind a bush. I wait until I only hear the leaves rustling with the wind before standing up and starting the walk home.
I sniffle and wipe my eyes with every step.
I’m naive and stupid.
The loser never gets the fairy tale.
She gets the nightmare.
* * *
I’mten minutes away from home when a car pulls up behind me.
My back goes straight while I contemplate whether to take off running or turn around.
This is it.
Straight out of a horror movie, this will be the night of my death. I say a silent prayer when I hear a door slam. Even if I wanted to make a run for it, my feet don’t want to move.
I whip around and zero in on the man headed in my direction. My heart pounds, but as he moves closer, I grow more comfortable.
“What are you doing out here?” he yells when he’s steps away. “You’re going to get yourself run over!”
I wipe away my never-ending tears, and my body trembles when I blow out a shaky breath. “I … I don’t want to talk about it.”
Sam stops and stares down at me. “What were you thinking?” He takes me in. He shoots a glance toward his car running, and then his attention moves back to me. “Come on. I’ll take you home, but you can’t say a fucking word. Do you hear me?” His face is laced with concern, but his voice is harsh.
I look past him toward the car, and my eyes widen. “I don’t need a ride.”
A head pokes out of the window. “Who is she?” he yells.
I squint, taking in the people in the vehicle before dragging my eyes to Sam. I’m just as confused as the voice asking who I am. “Who are those people?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he barks. “Now, do you want a ride or not?”
My lower lip trembles, and I want to wrap my arms around him. I want to tell him how terrible my night has been because Sam is my only friend. But I don’t. I don’t because, right now, this isn’t the Sam I know, and I’m not getting into a car with those people.
“No, I’m okay.”
“Chloe,” he warns.
“I’m fine,” I snap.
He stands tall. “This is the last offer I’m giving you.”
“I appreciate the offer, Sam, but I’m okay.”
He leans down to whisper in my ear, “Don’t say a word about this. You never saw this. You never saw meor them. Do you understand me?”