Page 7 of Just Neighbors
Is he saying he’ll jack off to whatever I confess?
“I’m not giving you anydetails. I don’t want to conduct a casual conversation with you, let alone one about my sex life.” I shove his shoulder. “And don’t talk about having your hand on your dick around me.”
He eyeballs the bar. “Why? It’s not out of the ordinary to play with your pussy. Ask anyone in here.”
“Quit calling it playing with my pussy!” I hiss. “And I’d rather not poll that right now … or ever.”
He chuckles. “You masturbate. Good for you. I do it on the regularright next door. I’ve made it clear how much I love those skirts of yours.”
I’ll smack myself for this tomorrow. “We were, uh … you know …”
Thankfully, he catches my drift in seconds. “Fucking?”
“Yes,fucking.It was in the morning, before work. He got off. I didn’t. When he left, I grabbed the vibrator he knew nothing about from my bedside drawer.”
He grins, eating this up. “Wait, so this happened frequently?” He appears baffled, disgusted, and entertained, all at the same time.
“Quit interrupting, or I’ll stop,” I warn.
He holds his hands up. “My bad, my bad. Do continue the Chloe Masturbation Saga.”
“So, I started to, uh … take matters into my own hands.”
“You played with your pussy,” he corrects.
I push him again and shyly glance away. “Yes. I didn’t hear the front door open. I was almost there, and next thing I knew, he came barging into the bedroom. He’d forgotten his wallet.”
“And, also, to give you an orgasm.”
“He got pissed, accused me of emasculating him, and called it cheating, arguing he should be the one giving me orgasms. He’d already been sleeping with Lacy, but he uses that as an excuse to make me the bad guy. Kent knows I won’t defend myself and tell people he caught me masturbating, not cheating.”
I cover my mouth with my hand and want to curl away in embarrassment when I realize what I confessed andwhoI confessed it to. Kyle is the last person I should’ve told. I wait for the snide comments from him, but they never come.
He licks his lips and stares at me in fascination. “If you were mine, I would’ve sat down and enjoyed the show. That’safterI had given you the best orgasm of your life. Then, you’d go to work, missing my cock and rubbing your thighs together, anticipating me doing it again. During your lunch break, I’d visit you in your office, spread you out on top of your desk, and eat your pussy. Later, when we were in bed, I’d fuck you all over again.”
Jesus. This man and his words.
Those words in that voice.
Heat shoots up my spine while I fumble for a response. My heart races as I imagine him doing all those things.
Maybe a one-night stand will help rid me of my thoughts of Kent the Cheater.
No. Nope.
This is Kyle Lane.
I clear my throat when our eyes meet, hoping it will kill my dirty imagination. “So …” I stutter out. “That’s how I cheated.”
“It’s not cheating, but at least it helped you dodge a bullet with that one. Dude is an asshole. He was the backup to the backup quarterback in high school. The fuck were you thinking, being with him?”
I narrow my eyes at him. “He was the only guy who’d talk to me, thanks to you.”
Guilt creeps up his face again. “Returning to the subject at hand …your handon … or in your pussy.”
I cover my entire face with my hands this time.
He removes them one by one.