Page 108 of Just Roommates
“You’re shitting me,”Cohen says over the phone after I tell him about Molly.
I had to give him a heads-up. I need a favor.
I shake my head even though he can’t see me. “Nope.”
“Wow,” is all he says, stretching the word out for seconds.
Cohen is the only person I’ve told. No one in my family knows. I have to handle my own shock and come to terms with everything before releasing the news into the world. Cohen won’t ask as many questions as Sierra and my sister.
At least, I hope not.
I’ve never exactly held a secret this large.
I followed Sierra when she stomped away from breakfast to shower. She wouldn’t listen to a word I said as I went into detail about this stupid-ass nonexistent product I was lying about testing. She turned away, giving me her back, as I begged her to trust me. I debated joining her, thawing out her cold behavior with an orgasm, but wasn’t going to risk a razor to my balls.
I will fix this.
I will tell her.
I don’t know why I’m being so chickenshit.
As bad as I want to stay here with her, shower with her, work with her, I also want to see my daughter.
The more relaxed Molly becomes with me, the faster I can kick hanging out with Jessa to the curb.
“What did Sierra say?” His question breaks me away from my thoughts.
I scratch my head. “I, uh … haven’t told her yet.”
“Now, you’ve really got to be shitting me. What the fuck, Ki? Did you break up?”
“No, we’re good. I’m waiting for the right time.”
“Not only have you known about this for weeks, but you also told me before her? I understand you’re inexperienced in the relationship department, but that’s not how one functions—a healthy one, at least. Hiding you have a kid sure as fuck isn’t healthy! Think about this: her ex cheated on her. The longer you hide this, the worse damage it’ll cause.”
I’ve never heard Cohen so pissed off at me.
“I need to ask for a favor,” I remark, desperate to switch the subject.
“Don’t ask me to participate in your lies.”
“I’m not doing anything wrong,” I hiss. “I’m going shopping with them, and I need you to cover for me.”
“Fuck you.”
“Please. I’m going through some shit, but I want to get to know my daughter.”
“Fine, but when this comes back to bite you in the ass, I don’t want to hear you whine about losing her.”
I spent yesterday with Molly playing board games and was introduced to her stuffed animals. I haven’t known her long, but she’s already growing into my heart.
I’m building a relationship with my daughter while my relationship with Sierra is crumbling.
* * *